Pine Valley Special Services District Meeting (PVSSD): Minutes of the Meeting held on February 6, 2019

Attending Board Members: Mary Esther Putnam, Chairwoman; Bob Dalley and Allen Cannon
Also Present: Steve Shakespeare, Fire Chief; Rick Peetz, Treasurer; Rachel Carignan, Secretary
Absent: John Nichols and Dave Codding
Guest: Frank Davie, Larry Gardner, Ed Anderson, Robert Hardy, Rick Albee and Lee Snow
General Business Mary Esther called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. Bob led the Prayer, and Allen led the Pledge of Allegiance.
The Minutes of the January 9, 2019 Meeting were read by each Board Member. Allen motioned to accept the Minutes, Bob seconded the motion, and all were in favor.
Building Permits to Review There were no Building Permits to review.
Board Member Reports Bob talked about the recent snow storms and how many people helped other members of the community. Rick Albee mentioned that residents near a fire hydrant should clear the snow from around the hydrant so they are accessible in case of fire. He also suggested putting this request on Next Door to inform everyone.
Fire Chief Report Steve went over the two incidents in the last month. Steve said he was still working on the bids for the new fire hydrants. Steve had the map of the proposed fire hydrants and gave a copy to Lee Snow who was present from the Irrigation Company.
Treasurer Report Rick read and explained the “Profit and Loss Sheet” dated January 2019, the “Profit and Loss Detail Sheet” dated January 2019, the “Profit and Loss Budget vs. Actual Sheet” dated January through December 2019, the “Balance Sheet Previous Year Comparison” dated As of January 31, 2019, the Edith Green Fund “Profit and Loss Sheet” dated January 1 through February 4, 2019 and the Edith Green Fund “Balance Sheet” dated As of January 31, 2019. Also, the Impact Fee Schedule Ending December 21, 2018. Rick informed us he would be mailing out the 2019 Annual Fire Assessment and would need drafts of the Fire Department Report and the Board Member Report by next month. He is also asking when people respond to the mailing that everyone include their telephone number and email address. This will give the town a quick way to contact members of the community in case of an emergency. He said the books and transparency requirements are all up to date. He also received a letter from RAP and will be looking into that. The Town is looking into a Community Center. The maintenance and up keep were brought up. A member of the audience Ed Anderson suggested we add a poll of the Property Owners on the letter going out asking if they would be interested in a Community Center and would they be willing to help support it. Financials were motioned by Allen, seconded by Bob and all were in favor.
Rick Albee presented the Board with the Community Wild Fire Preparedness Plan. He said we needed to put together a committee made up of Pine Valley Citizens for the protection of the community, the Valley, our property and our neighbors’ property. He said we need to educate our community, plan activities, open houses, and community events where we can pass out literature to be more educated about fire prevention and protection. We cannot just rely on the County, State and Federal Governments to take care of us. He was asking permission to put together a committee of Pine Valley Citizens under the PVSSD Board. The Board agreed to have Rick Albee go ahead and form a committee.
Next, Lee Snow, President of the Pine Valley Irrigation Board, was introduced. Steve introduced Lee saying how helpful and cooperative the Water Company has been when he asked for help in mapping the hydrants. Steve would like to have all homes to be 500 feet or less from a fire hydrant. Steve would like to continue upgrading the equipment and give the residents better fire protection. He has been working with Lee to meet this goal. Lee said they will be drilling another well in the spring if everything goes as expected. Mary Esther mentioned Judd had retired from the Water Board and she wanted to thank him for his many years of service. Lee also wanted to mention Janice and compliment her on the good job she does. Lee also said the Water Board is building new web site and should be finished soon.
Frank complemented how the people all worked to help their neighbors during the recent snow storm and that he will no longer be heading the committee to do some studies on the cemetery.
Mary Esther motioned to adjourn at 7:20 pm. Allen seconded and all were in favor.
The next scheduled PVSSD meeting will be March 6, 2019 at 6:00 pm.