Pine Valley Special Service District Meeting (PVSSD): Minutes of the Meeting held On October 6, 2010

Attending Members: Mary Esther Putnam (Chair); Dall Winn; John Nichols; Jeff Gardner

Also Present:; George Cropper (Treasurer); Beverly Udell (Secretary)

Absent: Spence Beckstrom; Gerald Schiefer (Fire Chief)

Guests: Guin Winn; Violet Esparza, Ferman Esparza; Sharon Northington; Ford Northington


1.  General Business:

a/b. Welcome – Meeting was opened by Mary Esther (Chair) at 6:03 PM and the Pledge of Allegiance was said.

c. Meeting Minutes for September 1, 2010 were reviewed. Dall motioned to approve the minutes. John seconded the motion. All were in favor.

d. Pine Valley Building Permits Reviewed:  N/A  * Dr. Royal addition needed to be amended – John and Jeff signed off on the amended version.

g. Board Member Reports:

Mary Esther: The trailer on the hill at 300 West is now gone, but that doesn’t mean any work is being done on the road. Justin Evans said that he could probably fix the road in about 2 hours. Gerald had mentioned previously that he thought the County might work on that road after the Jersy Barriers at Deadman’s were completed.

John: Campground construction continues

Jeff: N/A

Dall: Asked if Gerald had ever spoken to anyone about getting the area around the fire station and post office black-topped. No one has heard yet. * Dall spoke to Dave Patterson about who is responsible for paying the fixing of fire hydrants, us or the P.V. Irrigation Co. Dave made some suggestions, but they didn’t seem applicable to us. Dall then spoke to Judd Burgess (P.V. Irrigation) and they came to the conclusion that the PVSSD should fix the hydrants and the Irrigation Company would install any new ones – that is traditionally the way it has been handles for years (except for last summer when they wanted to charge us the exorbitant bill for installing the 10 new hydrants.) John feels that the P.V. Irrigation Co. should also fix water leaks, but we don’t know how to advance that thought with them. With their huge increase in water bills this year, we feel that the Irrigation Company should bear more of the responsibility. Maybe it could be set like they do our homes – if the leak is before the meter (or in this case the hydrant), then it is the Irrigation Companies responsibility. In other words, the water lines should be their domain and the actual hydrant should be ours? The 2nd hydrant that we just had repaired was actually a water line problem. John then added that we should continue to perform annual maintenance on the hydrants.

g. Fire Chief – Gerald was in EMT-I training in Enterprise (see report). The hydrant in from of Layne Frei’s house is being fixed. A proposal of $3100 was given to us to fix it, but we should come in under that.

h. Treasurer Report – George (see report).  * We received an insurance rebate for $583. * UASD membership fees are due. So far, none of our Board is able to attend the annual SSD conference. * Our 2010 budget is still within the guidelines we set for this year. We didn’t bring in as much as we hoped to on Impact Fees, but we haven’t spent as much either. The proposed 2011 budget will be discussed at the November meeting.

Beverly: Brought up the subject of the annual Special Service District meeting/training in November. Someone from the Board needs to attend as it is required that the Board members receive training each year. Dall said that it was possible that he might be able to go and would look into it.

2 –   Public Comments: NA


Dall moved to adjourn at 6:47.  All were in favor. The next Board meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 3, 2010 at 6:00 P.M.