Pine Valley Special Service District Meeting (PVSSD): Minutes of the Meeting held On May 7, 2008

Attending Members: Mary Esther Putnam (Chair); Dall Winn; Jeff Gardner; Spence Beckstrom; John Nichols

Also Present: Gerald Schiefer (Fire Chief); George Cropper (Treasurer)

Guests:  Donna Gardner; Fred Pendleton; Alan Gardner; Kurt Gardner; Earl Peters; Robert Brown; Adam Dunn; Zachary Renstrom; Tim Graham; Kathy Pierce; Rick Fleming; Chase Fleming; Ryon Thompson

Absent: Beverly Udell (Secretary)


1.  General Business:

a/b. Welcome – Meeting was opened by Mary Esther (Chair) at 6:05 PM and the Pledge of Allegiance was said.

c. Minutes: The minutes for the April 2, 2008 meeting were reviewed by the Board.  Spence motioned to accept the Minutes as written, John seconded that motion and all were in favor.

d. Pine Valley Building Permits Reviewed: None

e. EMT Update: Our 3 new EMT prospects have completed their classes and are starting their testing tonight.

f. Alan Gardner, County Commissioner: Presented alternatives for the Forest Service Travel Plan.  He left a map for people to review and there is a public comment period. * Alan also brought maps and a summary of the proposed Washington County Land Bill that is presently before Congress for review.  He summarized the major points of the bill including wilderness, wild and also scenic rivers and land proposed for disposal.  It also includes money for BLM to prepare a travel plan and would include a “High Desert” OHV trail on the west side of the County. * Alan addressed a proposal for a conservation easement




Board Member Reports:

Mary Esther:

Jeff:  Talked to the County about guardrails.  He was passed on to the Road Department and also the Forestry Service.  There was another auto accident this past week.  The County claims not to be responsible for improvements to this road.

Dall: Continues to work with the Treasurer (George) regarding the ongoing payments of department bills.

Spence: Contacted the County Attorney’s Office about the process to include Law Enforcement in the Pine Valley Charter.  It is in process.  We would prefer to have it under the existing Special Service District Board.  * So far there is not any action regarding the pavement of roads in Pine Valley.  Would require a Special Improvement District. Payment for the paving could be made over several years.  It is probably not worth a Special Improvement District in Pine Valley at this time.  Spence to work with the County to get a suggestion for priority of roads needing paving. Spence will conduct this research.  The paving is to help eliminate dust and mud.

Fire Chief – Gerald:  See attached report. * There was also further discussion regarding available pumps for the new truck. * Golden Steel has left Pine Valley, which is a big loss for the fire department. * Dall has made new accountability Boards. * Ongoing discussion regarding building expansion to include a new bay, fuel storage and enlarged training room. * Working on possible water tender truck.

Treasurer’s Report – George:  Morris Peacock home location information for Beverly. * All are invited to the State Auditor’s Regional Seminar which will be held on April 23 in St. George. * Financial report for March 2008 present and discussed.


2 –   Public Comments: Fred Pendleton is working on an updated community survey.  It will possibly go out with the Dinner Committee letter?  May include info on recreational development.  Fred will bring a draft to the May meeting.


Dall moved for the meeting to adjourn at 6:15.  All were in favor.


The next Board meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 7, 2008 at 5:00 P.M.