PVLAD: Special Pine Valley Overlay Zone Meeting

Pine Valley Local Administrative District Board
Special Pine Valley Overlay Zone Meeting
April 10, 2024

Attending Board Members: Frank Davie, Chairman; Bob Dalley, Tom Nielsen, Emily Nielson, Herman Nordbruch (excused)
Attending PVLAD Assistants:  Rick Peetz, Treasurer; LaDawn Christensen, Secretary
Attending Guests: Victor Christensen, Brad Esposito, Mat Holt, Jamie Holt

Welcome:  Frank called the meeting to order.  Tom led the pledge, and Emily offered the prayer.

Pine Valley Overlay Zone Requests:

Brad Esposito & Mat Holt

Emily explained the reasoning behind the Pine Valley Overlay Zone Ordinance and reviewed specific guidelines with Brad and Mat.

Bob moved to recommend a building permit to the county for the expansion; Tom seconded and was all in favor.

Bob moved to recommend a building permit for the Esposito home to the county; Emily seconded and all in favor.