PVLAD and PVSSD Meeting: Minutes of the Meeting held on November 6, 2024

Pine Valley Local Administrative District Meeting
November 6, 2024

Attending Board Members: Frank Davie, Chairman; Tom Nielsen, Vice-Chairman; Bob Dalley; Emily Neilson; Herman Nordbruch
Attending Assistants: Rick Peetz, Treasurer; LaDawn Christensen, Secretary
Attending Guests: Gene Phillips. Rod & Rebecca Savage, Mary Esther Putnam, Rob Nodine, Brian Davis, Robert Hardy, Gary & Sally Manning, Audrey Krohn, Duane Krohn, Scott Dunkleman


  1. Welcome, Prayer, and Pledge of Allegiance: Frank called the meeting to order.  Frank offered a prayer, and Tom led the Pledge of Allegiance.


  1. Pine Valley Overlay Zone Requests:


  1. Gary and Sally Manning


  1. Rod Savage


Emily reviewed the two requests, the highlights of the Pine Valley Overlay Zone, why we have it, and the process.


Bob moved to recommend to the county that these be approved, subject to the receipt of the impact fees. Herman seconded, and all in favor.


  1. October Meeting Minutes: Herman reviewed and approved of the October meeting minutes, Bob seconded the motion, and all were in favor.


  1. Boarding Member Reports:


Pine Valley Activities: Frank noted that the Halloween party was well attended.  Christmas Tree Lighting is on December 2nd.


Traffic Report: The traffic is seasonally down. Most traffic occurs late in the morning to mid-afternoon.


Washington County Crime & Sheriff’s Report: Nothing significant to report.


Five County Report: Nothing significant to report.


  1. Community Watch


  1. Community Watch Radios


Gene proposed purchasing radios and chargers for potential emergencies in the valley. A discussion followed regarding the purpose of the radios, guidelines, and management of any possible emergency in the valley. The request is approximately $500. Tom motioned that the radios with chargers be purchased and guidelines presented in the December meeting, Bob seconded, and all were in favor.


  1. Snow Ordinance: Tom reported volunteering to collaborate with Doug Wolfenstein, who oversees the county roads. He explained the ordinance and discussed snow removal issues in Pine Valley. Herman suggested posting the ordinance on Nextdoor to help property owners understand it and avoid potential fines.


  1. Treasurer Report: Rick presented the financial report and addressed questions from the board. Bob moved to approve the financials, Herman seconded the motion, and all in favor.


  1. 2025 Budget Review: Rick presented the proposed budget for 2025, and the board discussed it. The final review and approval of the 2025 budget are scheduled for the December meeting.


  1. Citizen Requests: No requests.



Bob moved to adjourn the meeting, Emily seconded the motion, and all in favor.  The next scheduled PVSSD meeting will be on December 4, 2024.


Pine Valley Special Services District Meeting

November 6, 2024


Attending Board Members: Mary Esther Putnam, Chairwoman; Bob Dalley, Vice-Chairman; Allen Cannon; Emily Neilson; Steve Shakespeare

Attending PVSSD Assistants: Rick Peetz, Treasurer; LaDawn Christensen, Secretary

Fire Chief: Robert Hardy

Attending Guests: Herman Nordbruch, Rob Nodine, Brian Davis, Scott Dunkleman, Frank Davie


  1. Welcome: Mary Esther called the meeting to order.


  1. October Meeting Minutes: Steve approved the minutes for public record, Bob seconded, and all in favor.


  1. Board Member Reports: Emily noted that the Washington County Water Conservancy hired a company to conduct testing on wells, including private wells.


  1. Fire Department Report:


Robert presented the fire department statistics for October, noting nine EMS-related callouts: one in Pine Valley, one in Pinto, and the remaining in Central. The department logged 200 volunteer hours.


Robert also reported that three EMTs are scheduled to begin the Advanced EMT course in January. Additionally, the state has mandated two requirements for fire departments: the assignment of a mental health liaison and the implementation of mental health resiliency training. Teri Forbes Forbes has been appointed the department’s mental health liaison to fulfill these requirements.


  1. Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to collaborate with other SR-18 Special Service Districts (SSDs) in coordinating fire training and response efforts.


Robert met with the county commissioners, who explained that the Boneyard fire letter sent to the Fire Department Chiefs on the SR-18 corridor regarding training and the lack of coordination between all fire departments was not intended for the Pine Valley Fire Department.  The county wants to ensure the fire departments have adequate training for any fire. Training will be involved, and the county will initially pay for most of the training.


  1. Treasurer Report: Rick provided the financial report, highlighting significant repair costs for the fire engines, that was discussed. Bob approved the financials, Allen seconded, and all in favor.


  1. 2025 Budget Review: Rick presented the proposed budget, which the board reviewed and discussed. Rick will prepare and present the final budget in next month’s board meeting.


  1. Citizen Requests: None


  1. Motion for Executive Session: Bob moved to close the meeting and transition to an Executive Session. Each board member individually voted in favor, and the meeting was closed to begin the Executive Session.


The next scheduled PVSSD meeting will be on December 4, 2024.