PVLAD and PVSSD Meeting: Minutes of the Meeting held on June 5, 2024

Pine Valley Local Administrative District Board Meeting
June 5, 2024
Attending Board Members: Frank Davie, Chairman; Tom Nielsen, Vice-Chairman; Bob Dalley (excused); Emily Nielson, Herman Nordbruch
Attending PVLAD Assistants:  Rick Peetz, Treasurer; LaDawn Christensen, Secretary
Attending Guests: Annie Eastmond, Mary Esther Putman, Allen Cannon, Mark Flygare, Steve Shakespeare, Brian Davis, Rob Nodine, Dan Brown, Kenya Hafen, Garrett Hafen, Lisa W Davis, Darryl Zitting, Duane Krohn, Audrey Krohn, Gene Phillips, John Robson, Scott Dunkleman, Robert Hardy

Welcome, Prayer & Pledge of Allegiance:  Frank called the meeting to order, Emily led the Pledge of Allegiance, and Frank provided a prayer.

Pine Valley Overlay Zone Requests:  Garrett Hafen requested approval for 39 Sage Rd. Emily explained the reasoning behind the Pine Valley Overlay Zone Ordinance and reviewed specific guidelines with Garrett.  Frank approved recommending that the county issue a building permit; Herman seconded, and all in favor.

Garrett also asked questions about a second property, and Darryl Zitting asked about an unattached garage with one room for guests.  Emily and the board provided suggestions and guidance on what was allowed and not allowed.

May Meeting Minutes:   Herman proposed they be accepted for public record, Emily seconded, and all in favor.

Board Member Reports:

Pine Valley Activities – Frank mentioned a community Summer Barbeque on June 8th on the church lawn.

Traffic Report – Tom reported that traffic is seasonally strong, and the sheriff is frequently in the valley.

Washington County Crime Report – Herman reported that the jail population had declined this last month after four months of increases.  He discussed three known issues in the area:  1. A home on Pony Lane was broken into through an unsecured door.  The house had just been sold, and no items were available to be taken.  2.  Another home on Pony Lane was broken into, and a report was filed.  3. The report of a homeless encampment at Baker Dam was unfounded.

Five County Public & Pine Valley Health Report: Robert noted that rabies was reported in bats in Washington County.

Widening Main Street/Walking PathSteve mentioned that adding a walking path to anything east of the Branding Iron would be difficult for the county. He doesn’t believe this will happen soon.

Community Watch:  Gene reported a call to action on June 15th and emailed all to participate at 3:00 p.m. At 4:00 p.m., they will go through emergency procedures on FM 96.1. Four additional families were added to the program through the Community Watch information on the assessment fee mailing letter.

Tom thanked Scott for donating funds for the community bulletin board Plexiglass.

Sheriff’s Office Report:  Discussed under the Board Member Reports.

Treasurer Report:  Rick reported on the May financials. Frank moved to approve the financials, Herman seconded and all in favor.

Citizens Request:

It was mentioned that cows are now in the valley and on the roads.

Rick discussed the new policy that Pacific Corp will shut down the high-voltage power lines whenever a fire gets within 6 miles of them. This is due to the lawsuits and litigation that happened in California. Dixie Power met with state legislators and the governor, expressing their concerns that it would cause our customers extreme hazards and potential harm. If this cannot be resolved shortly, he suggested citizens speak with their legislators regarding the issue.  Dixie Power will update us and let us know when they need our assistance.

Herman made a motion to adjourn; Frank seconded, all in favor.

Meeting adjourned.  The next scheduled PVLAD meeting will be July 3, 2024.


Pine Valley Special Services District Meeting
June 5, 2024
Attending Board Members: Mary Esther Putnam, Chairwoman; Bob Dalley, Vice-Chairman (excused); Allen Cannon; Emily Neilson; Steve Shakespeare
Attending PVSSD Assistants: Rick Peetz, Treasurer; LaDawn Christensen, Secretary
Fire Chief: Robert Hardy

Attending Guests: Frank Davie, Tom Nielsen, Annie Eastmond, Herman Nordbruch, John Robson, Gene Phillips, Audrey Krohn, Duane Krohn, Scott Dunkleman, Brian Davis, Rob Nodine

Welcome:  Mary Esther called the meeting to order.

May Meeting Minutes:Steve approved the minutes, Emily seconded and all in favor.

Board Member Reports:  Mary Esther mentioned that the Dixie Power Annual Meeting on June 4th was informative.  She noted that cows are back in the valley for the summer.

Steve mentioned that all the dirt roads are now graded.

Snow Ordinance: Mary Esther asked if this item should be on the agenda. It will be discussed at the next meeting.

Fire Department Report:  Robert reported twelve calls, eleven of which were EMS, eight of those in Central, and one on Highway 18.  A total of four hundred and fifty volunteer hours were reported.  Ninety-nine response hours, two hundred and four training hours included a three-day EMS training in St. George, and fifty-seven other volunteer hours were reported.

Robert mentioned that Tom has put a lot of work into applying for a submitted grant.

Robert is working with the Utah Communication Authority to assist Pine Valley with the cost of the radios. Emily asked if this should be a separate agenda item, and Robert said it would be discussed monthly until September, when the radios will be purchased and required.

Robert asked the board if the Kubota Utility Vehicle could be commissioned.  Steve asked that the snowplow not be sold.  Steve made a motion to accept the commission to sell the Kubota only, Allen seconded, and all in favor.

A fuel depot was suggested to be installed at the station. Robert noted that this would be something for the future, but it was questioned if it was needed.

Short-Term Rental (STR) Fire Inspections: The question of whether the inspections were worthwhile was discussed. Steve noted that he wants the public to be safe and educated. There are no updates from the county.

Community Center:  No updates.

Treasurer Report: Rick reported the financials. $167,000 was billed for the assessment fee. There were no complaints regarding the increase. Allen moved to approve the financials, Steve seconded, and all in favor.

Citizen Requests:

Frank appreciates Rick and his efforts as he coordinates posting the flags during the holidays.

Allen moved to adjourn the meeting, Steve seconded, and all in favor.

The next scheduled PVSSD meeting will be on July 3, 2024.  PVSSD Board Meeting adjourned.