PVLAD and PVSSD Meeting: Minutes of the Meeting held on January 8, 2025

Pine Valley Local Administrative District Meeting
January 8, 2025

Attending Board Members: Frank Davie, Chairman; Tom Nielsen, Vice-Chairman (excused); Bob Dalley; Emily Neilson; Herman Nordbruch
Attending Assistants: Rick Peetz, Treasurer; LaDawn Christensen, Clerk
Attending Guests: Gene Phillips, John Robson, Steve Shakespeare, Claudia Davis, Mary Esther Putnam, Garrett Wastlund, Amber Wastlund, Allen Cannon, Brian Davis, Scott Dunkleman, Marc Rose, Rick Albee

A. Welcome, Prayer, and Pledge of Allegiance: Frank called the meeting to order. Bob offered a prayer, and Herman led the Pledge of Allegiance.

B. Pine Valley Overlay Zone Requests

Wastlund Home: Emily reviewed the overlay zone and its purpose. This is pending approval of combining two lots. Bob recommended they be approved for a building permit contingent on the two lots combining; Herman seconded, and all were in favor.

C. December Meeting Minutes: Herman reviewed and approved of the meeting minutes, Bob seconded the motion, and all were in favor.

D. December 2025 Budget Meeting Minutes: Herman reviewed the approved of the meeting minutes, Bob seconded the motion, and all in favor.  

E. Board Member Reports:

Pine Valley Activities: Frank mentioned a self-reliance community meeting on January 25th on home dental emergencies. Brad Root will review prescription emergency medicine.

Traffic Report: Bob reviewed an increase in speeding and noted the trend is worsening.

Washington County Crime & Sheriff’s Report: Herman reported low bookings and releases in the last 12 months. There were no spikes in bookings. A person taking pictures of a home, possibly an insurance assessor, was posted on the Nextdoor app.

Five County Report: No report.

F. Community Watch: Nothing new to report. Gene will contact the sheriff’s department regarding the picture on the Nextdoor app.

G. Treasurer Report: Rick presented the financial report and noted transactions, salaries, and interest. Frank moved to approve the financials, Bob seconded, and all in favor.

H. Citizen Requests: Brian mentioned that Tom suggested he speak with the county commissioners and the sheriff regarding his questions on extended police protection. Brian talked to the county attorney and the sheriff’s department. Brian presented the law and what he had researched and found regarding extended police protection, providing Tom and Frank with the information he had acquired. Frank said we need to wait to see what the county and sheriff say and what they come up with. Frank said we need to work together for the common good of the valley.

Bob moved to adjourn the meeting, Emily seconded the motion, and all in favor.  The next scheduled PVLAD meeting will be on February 5, 2025.


Pine Valley Special Services District Meeting
January 8, 2025

Attending Board Members: Mary Esther Putnam, Chairwoman; Bob Dalley, Vice-Chairman; Allen Cannon; Emily Neilson; Steve Shakespeare
Attending PVSSD Assistants: Rick Peetz, Treasurer; LaDawn Christensen, Clerk
Fire Chief: Robert Hardy (excused)
Guests Attending: Brian Davis, Claudia Davis, John Robson, Herman Nordbruch, Scott Dunkleman, Rick Albee, Marc Rose

A. Welcome: Mary Esther called the meeting to order.

B. December Meeting Minutes: Steve approved the meeting minutes, Allen seconded, and all in favor.

C. December 2025 Budget Meeting Minutes: Steve approved the meeting minutes, Allen seconded, and all in favor.

D. Board Member Reports:

Allen reported a meeting with the county commissioners, community development, JMI Constructors, county attorney, public works director, and community development director about Pine Valley Community Center. They recognize that the Pine Valley Chapel may not be available soon for community events. They reviewed specifics from previous meetings and the Forest Service’s request to have the county visit them regarding a land swap. They discussed how to purchase the property or a land swap. Allen will follow up with Commissioner Iverson regarding the progress.

Emily provided a list of items identified from the Little Manual for Special Service Districts and requested a meeting.

E. PVSSD Policies/Practices to Consider

Bob and Allen met with Rick and LaDawn to clarify duties.

1. Clarification of separation of specific financial/clerical duties

Financial and clerical responsibilities were discussed. It was agreed that LaDawn would be the treasurer and Rick, the clerk, except that LaDawn would continue with the agendas and minutes.  Bob suggested an increase in salary for LaDawn to match Rick’s.  Allen and Bob will conduct a quarterly bank consolidation/balancing meeting with Rick and LaDawn.

QuickBooks backup storage and access

2. QuickBooks will now be online for the clerk and the treasurer, and others on the board will have access to review the data.

3. Use of debit card

The use of a fire department debit card was discussed. Bob and Allen are uncomfortable with the use of a debit card, the internal control, etc. It was decided that the current process is better for receipts and reimbursements.

Bob moved to adopt the duties and title changes for Rick and LaDawn and equalize the compensation at the higher level. Allen seconded, and all were in favor.

F. Fire Department Report:

Marc Rose presented the Fire Department’s statistics for December. The department reported ten callouts, all EMS except one fire callout. Two EMS calls were in Pine Valley, and the remaining were in Central. The department recorded 352 volunteer hours.

Emily asked Marc about the extraction device and a donation mentioned in December’s meeting. Due to the tax exemption status, the donation was not possible.

Bob asked Marc if Central had more calls than Pine Valley. Marc will report back with a year-end 2024 report.  Bob asked it to be on next month’s agenda.

G. Treasurer Report:

Rick provided the financial reports for the board review two days prior and asked if there were any questions. Rick mentioned the cost of the online QuickBooks subscription and a donation from the Elks Club. Allen moved to accept the financial report, Bob seconded, and all were in favor.

H. Citizen Requests:

Herman had suggested and sent to the board that anyone who donates more than $10,000 or any amount approved by the board to the fire department be exempt from paying the annual fire assessment fee. Steve suggested we discuss who would be exempt from the fee yearly in our meeting if a donation was provided. Emily noted that this may complicate things. Donations are not given to save on an assessment fee. This will be added to the February agenda.

Bob moved to adjourn the meeting, Allen seconded the motion, and all in favor.  The next scheduled PVSSD meeting will be on February 5, 2025.