Pine Valley Local Administrative District Board Meeting
February 7, 2024
Attending Board Members: Frank Davie, Chairman; Bob Dalley (excused), Tom Nielsen, Emily Nielson, Herman Nordbruch
Attending PVLAD Assistants: Rick Peetz, Treasurer (excused); LaDawn Christensen, Secretary
Attending Guests: Rob Nodine, Steve Shakespeare, Brian Davis, Marc Rose, Mary Esther Putnam, Allen Cannon, Scott Dunkleman, Gene Phillips
Welcome, Prayer & Pledge of Allegiance: The Meeting was called to order by Frank, and he thanked Allen Cannon and Mike Stucki for serving on the board. He welcomed Tom Nielsen and Emily Nielson, who the county appointed to the board.
Frank provided the prayer, and Herman led the pledge.
Discussion on Board Assignments: Frank discussed the board’s purpose, and the specific reporting duties for each board member were discussed and assigned by the board.
Frank will continue to chair the board. Emily approved, Herman seconded, and all in favor.
Tom accepted the position of vice-chairman. Herman approved, Emily seconded, and all in favor.
Bob will continue reporting the traffic and will be asked to report on the Five County Public & Pine Valley Health-related issues.
Tom will report on Community Watch and the Sheriff’s Office Report.
Emily suggested the Pine Valley Overlay Zone be a category, and everyone agreed. She was assigned to report any problems, issues, or news related to the Pine Valley Overlay Zone.
Herman will continue to report on the Washington County Crime Report.
Pine Valley Overlay Business: No requests or applications.
January 2024 Meeting Minutes: Herman approved the minutes, Frank seconded, and all in favor.
Board Member Reports:
1. Frank Davie, Pine Valley Activities – Valentine’s Party February 10th.
2. Herman Nordbruch, County Crime Report – 76 bookings in Purgatory last month, 180 releases, capacity is 540. Police are warning residents to watch out for scammers impersonating a Deputy Sheriff, saying there is a warrant out for their arrest unless they pay.
Community Watch: Gene reported a successful meeting on January 13th. They signed up two families for 103 total families in the watch program. Herman and Gene will soon attend a radiation monitoring meeting in Cedar.
Sheriff’s Office Review: Nothing to report.
Community Center: Allen Cannon reported in the PVSSD meeting.
Treasurer Report: Finances were distributed to the board earlier by Rick. Emily approved, Herman seconded, and all in favor.
Citizens Request: Steve noted that the shipped boxes in the mail building are a problem. Frank will contact FedEx, and Gene will contact OnTrac regarding the problem.
Meeting adjourned. The next scheduled PVLAD meeting will be March 6, 2024
Pine Valley Special Services District Meeting
February 7, 2024
Attending Board Members: Mary Esther Putnam, Chairwoman; Bob Dalley, Vice-Chairman (excused); Allen Cannon, Herman Nordbruch; Mike Stucki (excused)
Attending PVSSD Assistants: Rick Peetz, Treasurer (excused); LaDawn Christensen, Secretary
Attending Guests: Steve Shakespeare, Rob Nodine, Marc Rose, Emily T. Nielson, Scott Dunkleman, Frank Davie, Gene Phillips, Tom Neilsen
Fire Chief: Robert Hardy
Welcome: Meeting called to order by Mary Esther
January 2024 Meeting Minutes: Herman approved last month’s minutes, Allen seconded, and all were in favor.
Board Member Reports:
BMary Esther reported on the new county ordinance for snow removal.
BHerman mentioned that Gold Cross Ambulance service is now contracted with the NWSSD to service Veyo.
BAllen reported on the Community Center and Postal Service Center. He attended a meeting with Gilbert Jennings and Steve Jennings at JMI Constructors. Cody Christensen and Bryan Thiriot of the Five County Association of Governments also attended. They discussed potential funding. It was suggested that Allen reach out to Senator Don Ipson and Representative Walt Brooks for their input regarding any State/Funds or Grants that may be available. Funding may be possible with the Community Impact Board (CIB).
BAllen attended a Community Center meeting with the Washington County Commissioners, Adam Snow, Gil Almquist, and Victor Iverson. Gilbert & Steve Jennings also participated. They discussed the need for the center, reviewed the community survey and results, and the possibility of the county considering a land swap with the Forest Service. The commissioners are enthusiastic about the needs and the prospects of the project. They will schedule a meeting with the Forest Service.
Fire Chief Report: Robert reported that Marc and Toni Rose are Pine Valley’s new certified Advanced EMTs, and Claudia Davis is a newly certified EMT. Thank you, and congratulations to them all. Their commitment and service will be valuable to Pine Valley and the department.
Robert noted the January 2024 fire department statistics. They had five total callouts. One accident, one fire in Central, and three EMS calls (two in Central and one in Pine Valley). There were 511 volunteer hours in January with training, Winter Fire School, and callouts.
Robert discussed the 2023 fire department statistics and presented to the board a suggested increase in impact fees to compensate the fire department volunteers for their dedicated work. The board discussed it, and Allen asked for additional information, such as what the payout would have looked like for 2023. The board suggested Bob review the information. It will be added to the March agenda.
Short-Term Rental (STR) Fire Inspections: No updates. Robert reported three firefighters attended a class on fire inspections at Winter Fire School.
Treasurer Report: Rick distributed the January finances to the board before the meeting. It was decided to wait to discuss this in the March meeting.
Citizen Requests: None
The next scheduled PVSSD meeting will be on March 6, 2024.
PVSSD Board Meeting adjourned.