PVLAD and PVSSD Meeting: Minutes of the Meeting held on February 5, 2025

Pine Valley Local Administrative District Meeting
February 5, 2025

Attending Board Members: Frank Davie, Chairman; Tom Nielsen, Vice-Chairman; Bob Dalley; Emily Neilson; Herman Nordbruch
Attending Assistants: Rick Peetz, Clerk (remote); LaDawn Christensen, Treasurer
Attending Guests: Gene Phillips, Robert Hardy, Allen Cannon, Steve Shakespeare, Mary Esther Putnam, Brian Davis, Claudia Davis, Eric Nelson, Judy Gillies, Amy Anderson

A. Welcome, Prayer, and Pledge of Allegiance: Frank called the meeting to order. Frank offered a prayer, and Tom led the Pledge of Allegiance.

B. Pine Valley Overlay Zone Requests

Amy with AJ Construction home for the Hepplers. Emily explained the Pine Valley Overlay Zone and asked questions. Emily recommended they be approved for a building permit, Herman seconded, and all in favor.

1. Eric Nelson—Pine Valley Overlay Zone information was previously sent to Eric, who requested to be on the agenda to ask questions about his plan for his current pioneer home. The board answered his questions, which included lighting restrictions, commercial licenses, and others. Eric will eventually request approval for a small building on his property.

C. January Meeting Minutes: Bob reviewed and approved of the meeting minutes, Herman seconded the motion, and all were in favor.

D. Board Member Reports:

1. Pine Valley Activities: Frank noted a community self-reliance meeting from Michelle Root titled Let’s Talk Emergency” on February 15; Bob Vaughn will discuss solar power, and Gene will review radios. February 22 is the Winter Warm-Up presented by the Fire Station at 6:00 pm.

2. Traffic Report: Tom compared the traffic year over year, which is less than last year.

3. Washington County Crime & Sheriff’s Report: Herman reported fewer bookings than last month, which was much lower than usual. The total Purgatory population is low, which indicates that crime is low.

4. Five County Report: Nothing to report.

E. Update Policies and Procedures – Emily:

Emily distributed a draft of the PVLAD policies and procedures. After reviewing recommended Utah state templates, she modified the policies and procedures for Pine Valley. She explained the handout and what was included and asked the board to review it.

Emily presented a mission statement for the Pine Valley Local Administrative Board. After review, Bob approved the mission statement, Tom seconded, and all were in favor.

Pine Valley Local Administration District Mission Statement – To enhance the ‘sense of place’ in the Pine Valley community by interfacing with other government agencies to improve public safety, to ensure an effective volunteer Community Watch program and through monitoring implementation of the Pine Valley Overlay Zone.

F. Community Watch – Tom & Gene Phillips:

Gene reported that he and Herman met with Sheriff Brooksby and Lt. Fuller to discuss the Community Watch program.  Sheriff Brooksby and Lt. Fuller said it’s the best such program of all the communities in the county, and they were very pleased with it.  They discussed the organization, radios, repeater system, call to action, the blog, and the Nextdoor communication process. Emily asked Gene if they had received clarification from the sheriff for an old resolution on the original charter for providing extended police protection. The sheriff defined it as extra money provided for additional presence by law enforcement in the valley.

G. Clerk Report: Rick reported only an interest transaction last month.

H. Treasurer Report: LaDawn reported the financial report. Bob moved to approve the clerk and financial report, Herman seconded, and all were in favor.

I. Citizen Requests: Brian asked for clarification, saying it sounds like the law applies to law enforcement officers, not the community watch, who are given additional responsibilities and privileges. He asked if the board intends to change the SOGs to clarify that. Tom answered that he does not see any need to make any changes to the Community Watch SOG and that we do nothing unless the sheriff tells us to. Gene mentioned that Lt. Fuller was engaged and very pragmatic. Lt Fuller also offered to come to Pine Valley and talk about the community watch and how they would interact with it, etc.

Bob moved to adjourn the meeting, Herman seconded the motion, and all in favor.  The next scheduled PVLAD meeting will be on March 5, 2025.


Pine Valley Special Services District Meeting
February 5, 2025

Attending Board Members: Mary Esther Putnam, Chairwoman; Bob Dalley, Vice-Chairman; Allen Cannon; Emily Neilson; Steve Shakespeare
Attending PVSSD Assistants: Rick Peetz, Clerk (remote); LaDawn Christensen, Treasurer
Fire Chief: Robert Hardy
Guests Attending: Brian Davis, Claudia Davis, Frank Davie

A. Welcome: Mary Esther called the meeting to order.

B. January Meeting Minutes: Allen approved the meeting minutes; Emily seconded and all were in favor.

C. Board Member Reports: None

D. Fire Department Report: Robert presented the Fire Department’s statistics for January. The department reported five callouts, all EMS in Central, and two fire burn permit notices in Pine Valley. The department recorded 418 volunteer hours.

E. Pine Valley Fire/EMS Callout Growth: Robert mentioned that Claudia gathered all 2024 callout information from Frank’s reports.

Total Calls: 119 (104 EMS, 11 Fire)
Pine Valley Resident Call: 34
Non-Resident Call: 85
Call Locations: 45 Pine Valley, 64 Central, 7 SR-18, three others
Pine Valley Ambulance Transports:  6
Average Responders per call: 6

Emily asked if the price of the ambulance was a good strategic idea. Robert said it was a 10-year program.

F. Review Donor Assessment Fee Exemptions: Bob asked if we could assess yearly whether any assessment fees could be waived based on donations. Steve noted it should be in the policy to review; however, he doesn’t feel like we need it, but we can ensure it is written in one of the policies to review every year. It will be added to the agenda every February.

G. Fire Department Chair Loan Agreement Review: When the chair/table loaning agreement was approved, Emily asked to review it after six months. Robert said it is going well, except for one situation that was a communication issue.  If residents and fire department volunteers follow the system, it works.

H. Update Policy and Procedures:

Emily distributed a draft of the PVLAD along with the PVSSD policies and procedures. After reviewing recommended Utah state templates, she modified the policies and procedures in detail for Pine Valley. She explained the handout and what was included in the draft, including policy for loaning tables/chairs from the fire department, credit cards, purchasing, standardized fire equipment, surplus, property disposal spending/purchasing, debit cards, reimbursements, and other items.  Emily asked the board to review it.

Emily presented a mission statement for the Pine Valley Special Service District.   After review, Bob approved the mission statement, Steve seconded, and all were in favor.

Pine Valley Special Service District Mission Statement – To equip and train a volunteer fire and rescue organization in a fiscally responsible way, enabling the organization to provide safe, prompt, effective fire suppression; emergency medical services; and proactive prevention education to the residents and visitors in the Pine Valley Community.

Bob discussed and asked Rick and Allen for feedback on the audit policy and if a self-audit was possible.  Rick will explore and report next month.  This will be added to next month’s agenda.

I. Clerk Report: Rick announced that QuickBooks is now online, and LaDawn has access. Checks were ordered and received with two signature lines and can be printed.  Invoices/receipts can also be printed.

J. Treasurer Report: LaDawn presented the financial report. Bob moved to approve the financial reports, Allen seconded, and all were in favor.

K. Citizen Requests: None

Bob moved to adjourn the meeting, Steve seconded the motion, and all in favor.  The next scheduled PVSSD meeting will be on March 5, 2025.