PVLAD and PVSSD Meeting: Minutes of the Meeting held on April 3, 2024

Pine Valley Local Administrative District Board Meeting
April 3, 2024
Attending Board Members: Frank Davie, Chairman; Bob Dalley, Tom Nielsen, Emily Nielson, Herman Nordbruch
Attending PVLAD Assistants:  Rick Peetz, Treasurer; LaDawn Christensen, Secretary
Attending Guests: Allen Cannon, Steve Shakespeare, Ralph Flores, Rosemary D’Amato, Scott Dunkleman, James P. Murphey, Nancy P. Murphey, Gene Phillips, Brian Davis, Claudia Davis

Welcome, Prayer & Pledge of Allegiance:  Frank called the meeting to order.  Frank offered the prayer, and Emily led the pledge.

Pine Valley Overlay Business:  Emily explained the reasoning behind the Pine Valley Overlay Zone Ordinance and reviewed specific guidelines.

The board recommends that the county approve a building permit for Virgil Steel and James and Nancy Murphey.

March 2024 Meeting Minutes:   Herman approved the minutes, Emily seconded, and all in favor.

Board Member Reports:

Frank mentioned the community talent show on April 13 and the Nuclear Protection & Planning workshop on April 27.

Tom noted that he is working on the traffic report data for the board meetings and the sheriff’s department.

Tom reported that the two community signboards as you enter Pine Valley near the chapel need some attention.  It has been proposed to take one of the signs and place it by the mail building for community posts.  Enclose the second one, add a map and other significant information, and paint.  The board discussed the best options for the signboards.  One will be moved to the mail building and the other will be enclosed with a map and other Pine Valley information.  Gene was asked about producing a map.

Herman reported the county arrests and bookings are average.  Releases are below the maximum, and the jail population is at a maximum.  He noted an organized human traffic case last month in St. George, in which the police force was able to free someone.  Herman commented that human trafficking is a global problem to be aware of.

Bob explained the history, health, vision, economic development, and transportation planning of the Five-County Association of Governments, among other affairs.

Community Watch: Gene proposed a Traffic Contingency Program (TCP) and requested radios, chargers, and a tent. The intention is to be prepared/trained to handle emergency situations on the road if needed. The radios would allow communication between those attending the streets. He presented the pricing. Frank asked for input from the board, and a discussion was held about whether these items were needed and the cost factor. Emily asked if the Community Watch Program is under the scope of the PVLAD, and after some training from the state, she proposed we postpone this item until May.

Outcome of Recent Planning Meeting at Veyo Community Center:  Gene reported that Tom, Frank, Herman, and himself attended.  Several people from Veyo, Gunlock, and Brookside discussed the SR-18 coalition.  They discussed reactivating the communities to be more prepared.

Sheriff’s Office Review:  No report from the sheriff’s office.

Treasurer Report:  Rick reported the March financials.  Bob approved, Emily seconded, and all in favor.

May 1st Public Hearing Preparation on the Assessment Fee Increase:  Emily mentioned the Utah mandatory online board training.

Citizens Request:  None

Meeting adjourned.  The next scheduled PVLAD meeting will be May 1, 2024.


Pine Valley Special Services District Meeting
April 3, 2024
Attending Board Members: Mary Esther Putnam, Chairwoman (excused); Bob Dalley, Vice-Chairman; Allen Cannon, Emily Neilson, Steve Shakespeare
Attending PVSSD Assistants: Rick Peetz, Treasurer; LaDawn Christensen, Secretary
Fire Chief: Robert Hardy (excused)
Attending Guests: Brian Davis, Claudia Davis, Herman Nordbruch, Scott Dunkleman, Rosemary D’Amato, Ralph Flores, Frank Davie, Tom Nielsen, Rick Peetz, Gene Phillips

Welcome:   Bob called the meeting to order.

March 2024 Meeting Minutes:Emily approved the minutes, Allen seconded and all in favor.

Board Member Reports:

1. Steve noted that several people have mentioned the public safety issue of walking on main street with traffic due to the narrow street, especially between the Brandin’ Iron and the park. He would like to approach the county regarding the issue.  Emily commented that there had been communication with the county regarding a walking path; they said they would support it, and funds were available.  Emily and Rick will locate the contact person.  Bob suggested this item be placed on the PVLAD May.

2. Steve mentioned the county is starting to grade the roads.

Snow Ordinance:  Tom and Mark will meet with Victoria at the county regarding the snow removal ordinance.

Fire Department Report: Tom reported the fire department’s March results. There were eight EMS calls, which included forty-four volunteer hours and ten equipment hours. Training totaled 322 hours, and 50.5 volunteer hours were used for maintenance equipment, installations, etc. They conducted their first Officer Training Class for Q1 2024, which included students and instructors from Pine Valley, Central, and Hurricane Fire Departments.

Short-Term Rental (STR) Fire Inspections:  Tom reported speaking with Victoria at the county regarding our proposal to inspect STRs. She said everything we propose looks good but had questions regarding state law and occupancy. He will meet with Victoria next week.

Community Center:  Allen reported the county has provided no updates.

He mentioned that anyone requesting funds should attend a training meeting in Cedar City on Monday. Emily noted that she is giving the information to the fire department.

Treasurer Report:  Rick discussed the financial report.  Bob mentioned that he understood that Enterprise was replenishing the EMS supplies per the Enterprise ambulance agreement and asked why we were buying supplies ourselves.  The board and fire department officers present discussed what is now being replenished from Enterprise.  Bob asked for more information regarding the supply’s reimbursement in the agreement and to add this item to the May agenda.

Bob asked about the delinquent assessment fees from 2023.

Emily approved the financials, Allen seconded, and all in favor.

May 1st Public Hearing Preparation on the Assessment Fee Increase: Emily discussed the May 1 Public Hearing, the process, and what to expect. She asked the board who they’d prefer to present the purpose of the increase to the public.  Bob is comfortable with Chief Hardy presenting at the PVSSD meeting, and the board agreed that Rick Peetz would present the explanation at the beginning of the PVLAD meeting. Emily noted no feedback from the Public Notice emails sent or on Nextdoor.

Board Training:  Emily mentioned the Utah mandatory online board training.  A state auditor mentioned he could provide in-person training for 10-15 board members.  A date has been set, and Emily will confirm.

Citizen Requests:  None

Allen proposed the ending of the meeting, Emily seconded, and all in favor.

The next scheduled PVSSD meeting will be on May 1, 2024.  PVSSD Board Meeting adjourned.