PVLAD and PVSSD Meeting: Minutes of the Meeting held on December 4, 2024

Pine Valley Local Administrative District Meeting
December 4, 2024

Attending Board Members: Frank Davie, Chairman; Tom Nielsen, Vice-Chairman; Bob Dalley; Emily Neilson; Herman Nordbruch
Attending Assistants: Rick Peetz, Treasurer; LaDawn Christensen, Secretary
Attending Guests: Gene Phillips, Mary Esther Putnam, Robert Hardy, Rob Nodine, Allen Cannon, Steve Shakespeare, Brian Davis, Marc Rose, Toni Rose, Claudia Davis

A. Welcome, Prayer, and Pledge of Allegiance: Frank called the meeting to order.  Frank offered a prayer, and Herman led the Pledge of Allegiance.

B. Pine Valley Overlay Zone Requests: No requests.

C. November Meeting Minutes: Herman reviewed and approved of the November meeting minutes, Tom seconded the motion, and all were in favor.

D. Board Member Reports:

Pine Valley Activities: Frank mentioned the nice Nativity gathering at the Pine Valley Chapel on December 2. The Community Christmas Dinner is on December 14.

Traffic Report: Tom noted that the traffic volume is down, and the number of speeders is consistent with previous months.

Washington County Crime & Sheriff’s Report: Herman reported that the colder months resulted in fewer arrests, and the jail population is under 400. It is not overcrowded. Tom noted graffiti on the signs on the Pine Valley Highway. He will send pictures to the county.

Five County Report: Bob mentioned that Five County is an economic development website. Nothing new to report.

E. Community Watch: Gene reported there are now 105 families in the program. The new radios are programmed and ready for use.

F. Treasurer Report: Rick presented the financial report. Bob moved to approve the financials, Herman seconded the motion, and all in favor.

G. 2025 Budget: Rick presented the updated proposed budget changes for 2025. The board discussed providing 7 days for public review per Brian’s comments on giving the public time for review and comments. The budget will be posted on December 5, and a 2025 Budget meeting will be held on December 12 for public comment and board approval.

H. Citizen Requests: Brian Davis asked questions about the Community Watch Program, written regulations, extended police services, and other concerns with the program. Tom replied to Brian’s questions. Brian will contact the sheriff.

Bob moved to adjourn the meeting, Herman seconded the motion, and all in favor.  The next scheduled PVLAD meeting will be on January 8, 2025.


Pine Valley Special Services District Meeting
December 4, 2024

Attending Board Members: Mary Esther Putnam, Chairwoman; Bob Dalley, Vice-Chairman; Allen Cannon; Emily Neilson; Steve Shakespeare
Attending PVSSD Assistants: Rick Peetz, Treasurer; LaDawn Christensen, Secretary
Fire Chief: Robert Hardy
Attending Guests: Herman Nordbruch, Tom Nielsen, Rob Nodine, Frank Davie, Toni Rose, Marc Rose, Claudia Davis, Brian Davis

A. Welcome: Mary Esther called the meeting to order and expressed gratitude to the fire department for providing chairs used during the dedication of the renovated 1860 pioneer home.

B. November Meeting Minutes: Bob approved the November Meeting Minutes, Steve seconded, and all in favor.

C. Board Member Reports:

Emily reported that the county is donating $30,000 for Blue Card training. She inquired about the expenses for ongoing training.

Allen addressed the annual audit. It was noted that there are only two auditor companies within the county, creating a shortage of available auditors, while specialized firms conduct such audits. Steve remarked that audits must be conducted every five years and suggested issuing an RFP every five years as a best practice.  Allen commented that the PVSSD is insignificant for larger firms and estimated the cost to exceed $3500. He also noted that a self-evaluation form could be submitted, but the decision was made to proceed with an external audit. Allen concluded by stating that the organization is well within the recommendations set by the state.

Steve emphasized that snow removed from private property should not be left in the street.

D. Special Services District Handbook, Account—Steve Shakespeare: Steve commented on this item in the Board Member Reports, offering his perspective and observations related to the topic.

E. Fire Department Report: Robert presented the Fire Department’s statistics for November, reporting ten EMS callouts: six in Pine Valley, three in Central, and one in Beryl. Four of the calls were canceled after crews were dispatched. There were no fire-related calls during the month. The department recorded 255 volunteer hours. The stipend will soon be distributed to qualified volunteers. Robert and Marc presented the board with the new stokes used for patient transport and designed for use on trails and hills.

F. Treasurer Report: Rick presented the financial report and commented on recent purchases. Bob moved to approve the November financials, Allen seconded, and all in favor.

G. 2025 Budget: Rick presented the updated proposed 2025 budget. The budget will be posted on December 5, and a public meeting for comments and board approval is scheduled for December 12. He presented the proposed amounts for each category, with a discussion focusing on the increased allocation for EMS training. Bob suggested posting the proposed budget, incorporating the tentative changes discussed, for the December 12 meeting. Allen seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously.

H. Citizen Requests: Brian, a concerned citizen, shared his background in education, experience, and involvement with the Pine Valley Fire Department. He raised questions and provided comments to the board on various topics, including accounting, auditing, and policies. Brian also submitted GRAMA requests for the board’s consideration.

Bob moved to adjourn the meeting, Steve seconded the motion, and all in favor.  The next scheduled PVSSD meeting will be on January 8, 2025.