Pine Valley Special Services District Meeting
November 3, 2021
Attending Board Members: Mary Esther Putnam, Chairwoman; Rick Peetz, Treasurer; Steve Shakespeare, Fire Chief; LaDawn Christensen, Secretary; Allen Cannon, Bob Dalley, Herman Nordbruch, Mike Stucki
Attending Guest: Dan Brown, Audrey Krohn, Duane Krohn, Frank Davie, Jason Ranoa
Welcome: Meeting called to order by Mary Esther. Prayer given by Herman and Pledge of Allegiance led by Mike Stucki.
General Business: Bob moved to approve the October 2021 meeting minutes, Herman seconded and all in favor.
Pine Valley Building Permits: Rick reported no building permits paid in the past month.
Board Member Reports: Mary Esther reported that the county wants to consolidate the fire departments along Highway 18, which may include Pine Valley and Gunlock. Many unknowns at this point. Open meetings and discussions are ongoing. No other reports.
Post Office Building: Allen reported updates on a permanent mail building.
- Lynn Block reported that they have internal discussions with Kim (postmaster in Cedar City) based on internal regulations that addresses mail for street delivery to a conventional P.O. Box configuration.
- They are awaiting a ruling so they can finalize equipment to be used.
- The preference would be that we continue to qualify for mail delivery as it is now except that our current postman would be able to file from the back and have additional security that our design would provide.
- Lynn stated that they are all very supportive and excited of our desire to have a more historic permanent P.O. Building.
- Mark Owens will be able to provide the Plat Map that Frank and Kent can use to develop our overall plan for the Forest Services approval once we have the size of the building.
- We should explore building names that we might title the building that would put us in a position to request funding support from 5 counties.
Fire Chief Report: Steve reported four incidents, three EMT calls and one ATV fire on the old Pine Valley Road. Vehicle extraction class will be held this coming Saturday for all fire volunteers.
Initial Budget: Rick presented an initial budget for the board’s review. Final budget to be discussed and approved next month.
Treasurer Report: Bob approved financials and Mike seconded, all in favor.
Citizen Requests: No requests.
The next scheduled PVSSD meeting will be December 8, 2021
PVSSD Board Meeting adjourned. Moved into PVLAD meeting.
Pine Valley Local District’s Administrative Control Board
November 3, 2021
Attending Board Members: Frank Davie, Chairman; Allen Cannon, Vice Chairman: Rick Peetz, Treasurer; Steve Shakespeare, Fire Chief; LaDawn Christensen, Secretary; Bob Dalley, Herman Nordbruch, Mike Stucki
Attending Guest: Jason Ranoa
Welcome: Frank Davie
Minutes from October 13th, 2021: Bob approved, Herman seconded and all in favor.
Board Member Reports:
- Frank Davie, health related Pine Valley activities: A Go-Bag class is scheduled for November 6th. In January a communication (ham radios, etc.) seminar will be scheduled.
- Bob Dalley, traffic report: Bob reported last month’s electronic speeding sign data. Traveling from east of Pine Valley to Green Valley Rd. has almost doubled in the last 2 years. Other directions are pretty much the same. 95% of the traffic traveling east bound from the campground was within speeding limits last month. Traffic from the west to Green Valley Rd. had 82% traveling within the speeding limit.
- Herman Nordbruch, county crime report – Bookings for the last 5 days were steady compared to past months. No significant arrests in the county, and no crimes in Pine Valley last month.
Neighborhood Watch: Allen reported the following update:
- Gene Phillips has helped perfect the Pine Valley CERT (Citizen Emergency Response Team) program that we have in the valley.
- The board supports the process of continuing to develop a local Neighborhood Watch Program that was suggested by the Sheriff’s Office.
- Herman is aware of the process and what has been worked on. Gene called to discuss with Allen the details and status of where he was with not only updating CERT but folding in the Neighborhood Watch.
In an effort not to duplicate what has already been done, Allen would like to suggest that he work with Gene to establish a workable plan that we anticipate will be well received by the Sheriff’s Office when we are ready to roll it out for their support.
Allen suggests that the board bring in Gene Phillips next month to give an update. All agreed.
Herman is scheduled to hold a Radio Class in January that will be the primary source of all our communication.
Home Fire Alarms: No updates.
Pine Valley Dump: Frank reported a large dumpster overfilled with branches and the county could not haul it away. Otherwise, the dump is clean and no other issues.
Initial Budget: Presented by Rick.
Treasurer Report: Rick presented financials. Bob approved. Rick renewed the subscription of the electric traffic signs.
Citizens Request: No comments or requests.
Meeting adjourned.
The next scheduled PVLAD meeting will be December 8, 2021