Pine Valley Special Services District Meeting (PVSSD): Minutes of the Meeting held on May 6, 2020

Attending Board Members: Mary Esther Putnam, Chairwoman; Allen Cannon, Larry Gardner and Bob Dalley

Absent: Herman Nordbruch

Also Present: Rick Peetz, Treasurer; Rachel Carignan, Secretary

Present: Steve Shakespeare, Fire Chief

Guest: Emily Neilson, John Nichols, Rick Allen, Brad Neilson, Laurett Winterton, Frank Davie, Scott Cragun, Ray Lindblom and Robert Bailey

General Business Mary Esther called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. John led the prayer, and Allen led the Pledge of Allegiance. The minutes of the February 5, 2020 Meeting were read by each Board Member. Bob motioned to accept the Minutes, Allen seconded and all were in favor.

Building Permits There were two building permits issued.

Board Member Reports

Fire Chief Report
There were 4 calls outs this month. The Campground opens May 22, 2020. Discussion on the Campground about fees and the different improvements was addressed.

Treasurer Report Rick told us about the new Fire Truck “New Engine 141”. Rick went over the equipment on the new fire truck explaining each item and cost. Rick read and explained the “Profit and Loss Sheet” dated April 2020, the “Profit and Loss Detail Sheet” dated April 2020, the “Profit and Loss Budget vs. Actual” dated April 2020, “Balance Sheet Previous Year Comparison” dated As of April 30, 2020, the Edith Green Fund “Profit and Loss Detail Sheet” dated January through April 2020 and the Edith Green Fund “Balance Sheet Previous Year Comparison” dated As of April 30, 2020. Audits are all done. Allen motioned to accept the financials and Bob seconded, all in favor.

Rick Albee mentioned some places have had building supplies stolen. The community needs to be vigilant. We should be more aware. Allen motioned to adjourn and Bob seconded to close the meeting.

The next scheduled PVSSD meeting will be in June 3, 2020.

Closed the PVSSD Board Meeting and Opened the PVLAD Board Meeting.


Attending Board Members: Larry Gardner, Chairman; Frank Davie, Vice Chairman; Allen Cannon and Bob Dalley

Also Present: Rick Peetz, Treasurer; Rachel Carignan, Secretary

Absent: Herman Nordbruch

Guest: John Nichols, Steve Shakespeare, Scott Cragon, Rick Albee, Brad and Emily Nielson

Allen welcomed everyone. Larry is on the phone for this meeting.

Allen talked about the Traffic Report from the Speed Signs we have been monitoring. Everyone is very impressed with the information generated from the signs. Allen suggested we continue to monitor the signs. The Board agreed they would like to talk with the Sheriff about coverage during our busy weekends. Larry said he would get in touch with him. Allen asked about the subscription dues for the signs. Frank mentioned the County snowplow did a real good job this year. He also wants to get our ATV brochure out in the boxes and places where they will be available for the public. Everyone agreed and decided to put a brochure in the Fire Department Letter we send out in the Spring. Larry was asked about the status of the Water Company’s new well. Larry said there had been some set backs. He will report on this next month.

Bob motioned to adjourn the meeting, Frank seconded, and all agreed.

The next scheduled PVLAD meeting will be June 3, 2020.