Pine Valley Special Services District Meeting
December 8, 2021
Attending Board Members: Mary Esther Putnam, Chairwoman; Rick Peetz, Treasurer; Steve Shakespeare, Fire Chief; LaDawn Christensen, Secretary; Allen Cannon, Bob Dalley, Herman Nordbruch
Excused Board Member: Mike Stucki
Attending Guest: Gene Phillips, Emily Neilson, Scott Dunkleman, Duane Krohn, Audrey Krohn, Ed Anderson, Dan Brown, Jan Brown
Welcome: Meeting called to order by Mary Esther. Prayer given by Allen and Pledge of Allegiance led by Bob.
General Business:Bob moved to approve the November 2021 meeting minutes, Herman seconded and all in favor.
Pine Valley Building Permits: Rick reported one building permit paid in the past month.
Board Member Reports: All discussed the December 7 County meeting regarding the possible consolidation of the Special Service Districts along Highway 18. Allen proposed and voted we allocate $15,000 from the Pine Valley Special Service District to the Local Administrative District for administrative, security, anticipated law enforcement costs and implementation of the Community Watch Program. Herman seconded and all in favor.
Fire Chief Report: Steve reported six EMT calls in the last month. No other issues.
Initial Budget: Rick presented final budget. Bob moved to approve with modifications noted above, Allen seconded and all in favor.
Treasurer Report: Bob approved financials and Herman seconded, all in favor.
Citizen Requests: No requests.
The next scheduled PVSSD meeting will be January 5, 2022
PVSSD Board Meeting adjourned. Moved into PVLAD meeting.
Pine Valley Local District’s Administrative Control Board
December 8, 2021
Attending Board Members: Frank Davie, Chairman; Allen Cannon, Vice Chairman: Rick Peetz, Treasurer; Steve Shakespeare, Fire Chief; LaDawn Christensen, Secretary; Bob Dalley, Herman Nordbruch
Excused Board Member: Mike Stucki
Attending Guest: Dan Brown, Jan Brown, Audrey Krohn, Duane Krohn, Scott Dunkleman, Gene Phillips, Emily Nielson, Brock Bentley, Maxine Davie
Welcome: Frank Davie
Minutes from November 2021: Bob approved, Herman seconded and all in favor.
Board Member Reports:
Frank Davie, health related Pine Valley activities & Pine Valley Street Side Map: Frank reported that the Pine Valley Street side map is outdated and should be updated.
Bob Dalley, traffic report: Bob reported that in general traffic has declined from 2 years ago. Drivers are compliant 75% of the time or higher and compliance has improved from last year.
Herman Nordbruch, county crime report – No significant arrests in the county, and no crimes in Pine Valley reported last month.
Neighborhood Watch: Allen invited Gene Phillips and Washington County Sheriff Deputy Brock Bentley to speak.
Gene Phillips is heading the Pine Valley Community Watch Program and is a communication specialist and works with the sheriff’s office. Gene mentioned that the Neighborhood Watch will change to Community Watch going forward. He explained the purpose, communication process, neighborhood captains, responsibilities and needs.
Newly appointed Sheriff Deputy Brock Bentley introduced himself and spoke about the sheriff’s office commitment to the Pine Valley community. The sheriff’s office wants an open line of communication and will commit and support the Community Watch Program.
Home Fire Alarms: No updates.
Pine Valley Dump: No updates.
Final Budget Approval for 2022: Rick presented the final 2022 budget. Bob approved with modified adjustment, Herman seconded and all in favor.
Treasurer Report: Rick presented financials. Bob approved financial report, Herman seconded and all in favor.
Citizens Request: No comments or requests.
Meeting adjourned.
The next scheduled PVLAD meeting will be January 5, 2022