Pine Valley Special Services District Meeting (PVSSD): Minutes of the Meeting held on August 3, 2022

Pine Valley Special Services District Meeting
August 3, 2022

Attending Board Members: Mary Esther Putnam, Chairwoman; Bob Dalley, Vice-Chairman; Allen Cannon, Herman Nordbruch, Mike Stucki
PVSSD Assistants: Rick Peetz, Treasurer; Steve Shakespeare, Fire Chief; LaDawn Christensen, Secretary
Attending Guest: Claudia Davis, Brian Davis, Tom Nielson, Frank Davie, Emily T. Nielson, Ed Anderson, Duane Krohn, Audrey Krohn

Welcome:  Meeting called to order by Mary Esther.  Prayer given by LaDawn, and Pledge of Allegiance led by Steve.

General Business:Bob moved to approve the July 2022 meeting minutes, Herman seconded, and all in favor.

Pine Valley Building Permits:  One permit received.

Board Member Reports:  Mary Esther reported that Taylor Maid Fencing will be bid for fencing posts on the south side of the valley.  The PVSSD has the wire fencing in stock.

Meeting Start Time Change:  Board members discussed changing the PVLAD meeting to start at 6:00 p.m., and the PVSSD to start immediately afterwards, accommodating the Pine Valley Overlay Zone property business that will occur during the PVLAD meeting.  Bob moved to move the Pine Valley Special Service District meeting to immediately follow the Pine Valley Local Administrative which will commence at 6:00 p.m. as opposed to 7:00 p.m., Hermon seconded, all in favor.

Enterprise Ambulance Agreement:  Bob discussed the agreement and obligation by both parties.  Assistant Chief Brian and EMT Tom commented that the ambulance provided to us is not mechanically sound or safe, therefore Enterprise is suggesting another ambulance that fits Pine Valley’s needs and is in good condition.  Bob suggested the current agreement be extended another year.  Allen made a motion the agreement be amended that once the ambulance is received and it is mutually agreed it is in good working condition an effective date will be added to the agreement with an additional year. Bob seconded, and all in favor.

Fire Chief Report:Eleven incidents since the last meeting.  Nine EMT calls, with five EMT calls in Pine Valley.

Treasurer Report:  Rick presented July financials.  They were approved by Bob, seconded by Allen and all in favor.

Citizen Requests:  Frank thanked all involved with placing the flags Pioneer Day weekend.

The next scheduled PVSSD meeting will be September 7, 2022.

PVSSD Board Meeting adjourned.


Pine Valley Local Administrative District Board Meeting
August 3, 2022

Attending Board Members: Frank Davie, Chairman; Allen Cannon, Vice Chairman; Bob Dalley, Herman Nordbruch, Mike Stucki
PVSSD Assistants:  Rick Peetz, Treasurer; Steve Shakespeare, Fire Chief; LaDawn Christensen, Secretary; Emily Nielson, Overlay Zone Advisor
Attending Guest: Ed Anderson, Duane Krohn, Audrey Krohn, Mary Esther Putnam, Tom Nielsen, Brian Davis, Claudia Davis, Gene Phillips

Welcome:  Meeting called to order by Frank

Pine Valley Overlay Business:  The Pine Valley Overall ordinance was unanimously approved by the Washington County Commissioners on July 26th.  Emily and LaDawn met with Scott Messel regarding the approval process for property owners.  Emily explained the process with the board and possible issues discussed.

Meeting Start Time:  The PVSSD board approved a meeting time change for the PVLAD and PVSSD monthly meetings.  The PVLAD meetings will start first at 6:00 p.m. to accommodate the Pine Valley Overlay Zone business, and the PVSSD meetings will follow.

Minutes from June 2022:Bob approved, and Herman seconded, all in favor.

Board Member Reports:

Bob reported the current traffic report.  The electronic sign on the west side of the valley going east is down.

Herman reported the county crime report.  The arrest bookings are within historical parameters in the last 5 days.  Purgatory inmate population declined in the month of July.  Significant arrests were reported on July 28th, with 3 arrested in the vandalism of 8 chapels in the county.  Nothing significant to report for the area of Pine Valley.

Community Watch:  Frank thanked Gene for all his help in heading the program.  A call-to-action test activity will be performed on Saturday.  Radio repeater was moved to its permanent location.

Pine Valley Dump:Nothing to report.

Treasurer Report:  Rick presented financial report.  Bob approved, Mike seconded, and all in favor.

Citizens Request:  No requests.

Meeting adjourned.

The next scheduled PVLAD meeting will be September 7, 2022