Pine Valley Special Services District Meeting (PVSSD): Minutes of the Meeting held on August 4, 2021

Pine Valley Special Services District Meeting
August 4, 6:00 pm.

Attending Board Members: Mary Esther Putnam, Chairwoman; Rick Peetz, Treasurer; Steve Shakespeare, Fire Chief; LaDawn Christensen, Secretary; Allen Cannon, Bob Dalley, Mike Stucki
Excused: Herman Nordbruch
Attending Guest: Duane Krohn, Audrey Krohn, Ed Anderson, Karan Anderson, Raymond Lindblom, Leslie Dunkleman, Scott Dunkleman

Welcome:  Meeting called to order by Mary Esther.  Prayer given by Mike Stucki and Pledge of Allegiance led by Allen.

General Business:  Bob moved to approve the July 2021 meeting minutes, Mike seconded and all in favor.

Report on Enterprise – Pine Valley Ambulance Agreement:  Steve reported the airlift is being repaired on the ambulance.  Training is still in progress.  No delivery date set.

Impact Fees:  None received this past month.

Board Member Reports:  Allen reported that a committee has been selected for planning and building a permanent post office building.  Committee members include Allen Cannon, Steve Shakespeare, Mike Stucki, Mark Owens, Frank Davie and Rick Peetz.  The committee met on August 3rd with the following discussion points and actions items.

Discussion Points

  • Determine capacity needed, number of residence boxes required
  • Location options, fire station expansion requirement and any building restrictions
  • Design options (old fashioned bricks)
  • Security concerns addressed
  • Expansion of large boxes available
  • With the township size that it is, what does it take to have an “official” post office i.e., Newcastle? What are the parameters?
  • Cedar City Postmaster Lynn Bloxham has confirmed that he would like to come to Pine Valley for a meeting the end of August.

Action Items

  • Frank Davie, Kent Provstgaard to develop Plat for overall plan
  • Mike Stucki, Rick Peetz and Maxine Davie to work on possible grants
  • Steve Shakespeare, Allen Cannon to meet with postmaster to determine scope of their involvement and to determine actual needed building size and security issues.
  • Mark Owens to work with engineer to gather specs for groundwork, elevations, historical architecture input.

Bob reported that it will take 10-12 weeks before the temporary second building will be delivered to house additional post office boxes.  The donations from the annual fundraising dinners are being used to purchase the building.

Emily Nielsen, who heads the Zoning Overlay Committee, asked Bob to report that they may a possible retired planning director who is interested in taking on the zoning overlay project and she hopes to have cost estimate soon.  Bob reports that the county planning commission requested a letter from the committee with comments and suggestions on short term rentals, which most were taken from the June Zoning Overlay town meetings that were held.

Fire Chief Report:  Fifteen incidents since our last meeting. Training is ongoing.  Fire restrictions have changed to allow open fires in fire pits only.   Water restrictions were lifted.

Treasurer Report:  Rick presented financial reports for July 2021.  Bob moved to approve, Allen seconded and all in favor.  Rick reported the state created a new Fraud Risk Assessment report.  Rick and Mary Esther reviewed the report and Rick is completing it.

Citizens Report:  Duane Krohn mentioned that the dump continues to be an issue with prohibited items being left.  The county has said they will close the dump if the problem continues.  Ray Lindblom and Bob Bailey volunteered to check the dump on a weekly basis and do what they can to keep it clear.

The next scheduled PVSSD meeting will be September 1, 2021.

PVSSD Board Meeting adjourned.  Moved into PVLAD meeting.



Pine Valley Local District’s Administrative Control Board
August 4, 2021

Attending Board Members: Allen Cannon; Vice Chairman, Rick Peetz, Treasurer; Steve Shakespeare, Fire Chief; LaDawn Christensen, Secretary; Bob Dalley, Mike Stucki
Excused: Frank Davie; Chairman, Herman Nordbruch
Attending Guest: Leslie Dunkleman, Scott Dunkleman, Ray Lindblom, Robert Bailey, Karan Anderson, Ed Anderson, Audrey Krohn, Duane Krohn

Welcome:  Allen Cannon

Minutes from June 2, 2021:  Bob approved, Mike seconded and all in favor.

Board Member Reports:

Allen Cannon, health related Pine Valley activities:  No activities to report.

Bob Dalley, traffic report:  Bob reminded the group that we pay a fee for the data coming from the electronic speed limit signs.  He reported the sign data for July.

  1. Speed limit sign west of the chapel for westbound traffic had 17,200 vehicles pass by this year compared to 15,900 last year. This year 88% of the traffic stayed below 30 mph or under, the same as last year.
  1. Speed limit sign east of the chapel for eastbound traffic had 27,262 vehicles pass by this year compared to 28,900 last year. 89% stayed below 30 mph last year, compared to 89% last year.
  1. Speed limit sign east of the Branding Iron for westbound traffic had approximately 16,000 vehicles past this year, the same as last year. Last year 75% of the traffic stayed below 30 mph compared to 86% this year.

Mike, Five County report:  Mike reported that the state spent approximately 6 million in grant money last year to fire departments and civic buildings (additions to existing buildings or new construction).  The grant is mostly used for firefighting equipment.  Mike will approach the county to find out who he can coordinate with to take advantage of these grants.

Home Fire Alarms: Steve stressed the need for part-time residents to have a fire alarm system in their homes.  Smoke detectors are only good if someone is home.  Allen suggested a flyer be sent next year in the PVSSD fire assessment mailings. Ray Lindblom mentioned that fire alarms are only good for 10 years and then expire.

Treasurer Report: Rick presented financials. Bob approved and Mike seconded.

Citizens Request:  Bob and Ray discussed with the board solutions to deter large items (appliances, construction materials, large tree limbs, etc.) placed at the Pine Valley dump that should be taken to the Central dump.  It was mentioned that if it continues to be a problem, the county will close the dump.  The dump issues will be added to the agenda going forward.

Meeting adjourned.

The next scheduled PVLAD meeting will be September 1, 2021.