Pine Valley Local Administrative District Board Meeting
March 6, 2024
Attending Board Members: Frank Davie, Chairman; Bob Dalley, Tom Nielsen, Emily Nielson, Herman Nordbruch
Attending PVLAD Assistants: Rick Peetz, Treasurer; LaDawn Christensen, Secretary
Attending Guests: Mary Esther Putnam, Allen Cannon, Steve Shakespeare, Rick Albee, Rob Nodine, Claudia Davis, Ralph Flores, Scott Dunkleman, Brian Davis
Welcome, Prayer & Pledge of Allegiance: Frank called the meeting to order, offering the prayer, and Herman led the pledge.
Pine Valley Overlay Business:
1. Sandvik Barn—This project was previously approved; it has since been updated with living quarters. The board reviewed the updated information. Bob approved, Herman seconded, and all were in favor.
2. Davie Home—Frank provided the information for his new home. After reviewing the information, Bob approved the plans, Herman seconded, and all were in favor.
February 2024 Meeting Minutes: Herman approved the minutes, Emily seconded, and all in favor.
Board Member Reports:
1. Pine Valley Activities – Frank Davie, on March 10th there will be a presentation, Preparing for an Extended Power Outage at the fire station. March 16, 6:30 PM, an Irish Spring Fling Social and Potluck is scheduled. April 27th, a Nuclear Protection & Planning presentation will be held at 4:00 PM. All events are at the fire station.
2. Traffic Report – Bob provided an overview of why we purchased the four electronic traffic signs in the valley. Historically, funds were funded to the sheriff’s department for coverage during the holidays. Four years ago, the board approved those funds to purchase four electronic traffic signs, pay for the sign fees, and provide maintenance. Data is collected, and Bob reviews the trends and how fast people are traveling. He observed traffic is down approximately a third from 2021 to 2024. Maximum speeds are up to 58 mph, which is a concern.
3. Washington County Crime Report – Herman stated no crimes were reported in Pine Valley last month, and no significant crimes were reported in the county.
4. Five County Public & Pine Valley Health Report – No report.
Community Watch:
Gene mentioned that the purpose of the Community Watch program is to protect Pine Valley and its residents. He reported that 100 families are currently in the program. He encouraged residents to sign up for the Nextdoor app for information on the program and Community Watch activity in the valley.
Sheriff’s Office Review:
Tom reported that Rick provided him access to the electronic traffic signs, which he is analyzing to provide traffic data for the deputies for peak and off-peak periods. He hopes to train deputies to read the data for future possible sheriff coverage in the valley.
Community Center: This agenda item is moving to the PVSSD board meeting from now on.
Treasurer Report: Rick reported the treasury report. Bob approved, Herman seconded, and all in favor.
Citizens Request:
Meeting adjourned. The next scheduled PVLAD meeting will be April March 6, 2024.
Pine Valley Special Services District Meeting
March 6, 2024
Attending Board Members: Mary Esther Putnam, Chairwoman; Bob Dalley, Vice-Chairman; Allen Cannon, Emily Neilson, Steve Shakespeare
Attending PVSSD Assistants: Rick Peetz, Treasurer; LaDawn Christensen, Secretary
Fire Chief: Robert Hardy
Attending Guests: Herman Nordbruch, Tom Neilsen, Rob Nodine, Rick Albee, Brian Davis, Claudia Davis, Scott Dunkleman, Ralph Flores, Rosemary D’Amato, Frank Davie, Gene Phillips
Welcome: Mary Esther called the meeting to order. Central guests Ralph Flores, Central Fire Chief, and Rosemary D’Amato, board member for Northwestern Special Service District, were welcomed.
Mary Esther thanked the outgoing board members Herman Nordbruch and Mike Stucki for their input, time, and contributions to the board. She welcomed new board members Steve Shakespeare and Emily Nielson. Allen Cannon has been reappointed and will continue with the board for four years. Mary Esther and Bob have another two years remaining on their term.
Mary Esther appointed Allen to continue working on and reporting on the community center, Emily on any building/zoning issues, and Steve on roads, snow removal, and working with the fire chief.
Allen proposed that Mary Esther continue as board chairman, all in favor.
February 2024 Meeting Minutes: Allen approved the minutes, Steve seconded, and all were in favor.
Board Member Reports:
Steven reported that during his board interview with the county, they mentioned that the individual SSDs are not keeping up with their fire department’s old equipment and gaining new volunteers. Their main concern is increasing assessment fees due to inflation and sustainability. While there are substantial funds in our savings accounts, they have been seriously depleted with past projects, and there are not sufficient funds for the 2024 radio requirement and required new equipment, including the long-term need to replace engines or transmissions.
Fire Chief Report: Robert reported eleven total calls last month, seven in Central and four in Pine Valley. Two fire calls and nine EMT calls. Four hundred and eight fire and EMS volunteer hours were reported.
Robert noted that the Utah House of Representatives approved fire and EMS in rural areas under a population of 3,000 to receive state health insurance. If qualified, Pine Valley EMS and fire volunteers will be able to receive the insurance. The governor must sign off on it, and it would be effective July 1st, 2024.
Short-Term Rental (STR) Fire Inspections: No updates
Community Center: Allen contacted the county commissioners regarding the Forest Service land swap, but there are no new developments to report.
2024 Budget Revision
1. Fee Assessment
2. Fire Department Volunteer Remuneration
The board approved rolling over the 2023 budget into 2024 in November and reviewing it again in March of this year due to the possible delay of the consolidated North Mountain SSD formation this year. The county commissioners announced last month that that they will not consolidate the Mountain District SSD’s
In February’s meeting, Fire Chief Hardy proposed a monetary incentive for the fire and EMS volunteers based on their training time and call-out responses. The incentive is modest and does not exceed $599 per volunteer a year, and they would no longer be exempt from paying the yearly assessment. Chief Hardy sent the estimated figures to the board on the maximum payout for this year using 2023 volunteer hours as a basis. Those assumptions would create a total estimated modest increase in the 2024 budget of about $8,000. Volunteers would also be assessed the standard home and other assessments. This remuneration would offset all or part of those assessments depending on the volunteer’s level of act out. Bob motioned, and Allen seconded the approval of this modest remuneration of volunteers, all in favor.
The board discussed the proposed increase fee assessment in detail. The fire department’s equipment is aging and requires maintenance; new radios will be required this year, and inflation is an issue. The department is diligently applying for grants and will seek help from private donors.
To fund the required radio purchases and to rebuild a capital fund for antiquated equipment, it was proposed that the annual home assessment be increased to $270, with $20 going to the PVLAD and the lot assessment rising from $50 to $100. Applying the same percentage increase as the home assessment, a required assessment of $ 475 for short-term rentals was required. Further, the annual fire inspection fee of $200 will also be added to the short-term rentals assessment. Bob approved, Steve seconded, and all were in favor.
Treasurer Report (January and February): January finances were provided in last month’s meeting. Rick reported the February finances. Bob approved, Steve seconded, and all were in favor.
Citizen Requests: None
The next scheduled PVSSD meeting will be on April 3, 2024. PVSSD Board Meeting adjourned.