Attending Board Members: Mary Esther Putnam, Chairwoman; Bob Dalley and John Nichols
Also Present: Rick Peetz, Treasurer; Rachel Carignan, Secretary
Absent: Allen Cannon and Dave Codding
Guest: Hermon Nordbruch, Larry Gardner, Frank Davie, Rick Albee, Audrey Krohn and Duane Krohn
General Business Mary Esther called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. John led the prayer, and Bob led the Pledge of Allegiance. The minutes of the September 4, 2019 meeting were read by each Board Member. John motioned to accept the minutes, Bob seconded the motion, and all were in favor.
Building Permits Rick told us he had received two building permits this week.
Board Member Reports There have been complaints about the condition of the dump. The dump is under Washington County. We appreciate the people in the valley who continually help keep the dump picked up, but we have no jurisdiction over the dump.
John brought up that the County has chip sealed the road up to Pine Valley. He said they have done a good job.
Rick told us about the two call outs this last month and the new drain across the road in front of the fire station. He went over the proposed paving in front of the fire station and a heat pipe Joe Lee will be installing. He presented the bill for the 18 hydrants and the drain across the road. Bob motioned to pay the bill as it was consistent with the approved bid. John seconded and all were in favor.
Rick reported the truck the Fire Department was selling has sold for the asking price of $4500.00. Next month we will start working on the 2020 Budget. Rick read and explained the “Profit and Loss Sheet” dated September 2019, the “Profit and Loss Detail Sheet” dated September 2019, the “Profit and Loss Budget vs. Actual” dated January through December 2019, the “Balance Sheet Previous Year Comparison” dated As of September 30, 2019, the Edith Green Fund “Profit and Loss Detail Sheet” dated January through September 2019 and the Edith Green Fund “Balance Sheet Prev Year Comparison” dated As of September 30, 2019.
Rick showed us a copy of the PVSSD Impact Fee Schedule Revenues on hand FY ending December 31, 2019 and explained the Sheet. Bob motioned to accept the financials and John seconded, all in favor.
Bob motioned to adjourn, John seconded and all were in favor.
The next scheduled PVSSD meeting will be November 6, 2019 at 6:00 pm.