Attending Board Members: Mary Esther Putnam, Chairwoman; Dall Winn, Allen Cannon, John Nichols
Also Present: Steve Shakespeare, Fire Chief; Rick Peetz, Treasurer; Rachel Carignan, Secretary
Absent: Herman Nordbruch
Guest: Bruce Bergeson, Guin Winn, Larry Gardner, Gerald Schiefer, Ford Northington, Bob Dalley, Dave Nutter and Diane Nutter
Mary Esther called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. Mary Esther led the Pledge of Allegiance and Dall led the prayer.
The Minutes of the October 4, 2017 Meeting were read by each Board Member. Allen motioned to accept the Minutes with one change. Dall seconded the motion and all else were in favor.
Building Permits to Review
There were no new Building Permits, but Dwane Ovard from S Sage Road needed signatures on his Permit to update a wall at his home.
Budget Review: A discussion of the budget was started this meeting with the final vote on the budget next meeting. Rick brought up the fact we are spending more money than we are bringing in. Allen mentioned we had discussed this earlier this year. Our Fire Assessment fee we use for most of our budget is $150 a year for lot with building, but with the money we are spending, it should be $180. We have been at $150 for the last ten years. Another fee we use for our budget is the impact fee on new builds. Steve asked what other towns are doing? Allen also mentioned adding into the budget more money for service and maintenance on vehicles. Allen made a suggestion that if we are good stewards we should offer a budget in the perimeters of the resources we collect. It was also brought up we could put an assessment on vacant lots. Mary Esther suggested having Rick make a list of building lots for next month. Allen also mentioned we should also look into new fire hydrants. We also should add it to the budget for updating two of the fire hydrants each year. Rick will discuss with Steve about maintenance around the Fire Station and other repairs. There is one possibility to have the County of Washington add a percentage to taxes as is done in other communities. We will look into this. Dall asked if we could increase the fee to $180 at our meeting next month when we vote on the budget. Dall motioned to raise the fee to $180, Allen seconded, and all were in favor. Mary Esther will go to the County to talk about what we can do to have the County add a percentage fire assessment fee to the tax bills as they do in other communities.
Board Member Reports
Mary Esther thanked everyone for the Fireman’s Dinner.
Fire Chief Report Steve had two incidents this last month. Gerald announced the Winter Fire School and sending 13 people.
Treasurer Report: Rick read and explained the “Balance Sheet” dated October 31, 2017, the “Profit & Loss Sheet” dated October 2017, the “Profit and Loss Detail Sheet” dated October 2017 and the “Profit and Loss Budget vs. Actual Sheet” dated January through October 2017. Financials were motioned by Allen, and seconded by Dall, all else approved.
Dall motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:20 pm. John seconded and all were in favor.
The next scheduled PVSSD meeting will be December 6, 2017 at 6:00 pm.