Pine Valley Special Services District Meeting (PVSSD): Minutes of the Meeting held on March 1, 2017

Pine Valley Special Services District Meeting on March 1, 2017 at 6:00 pm


Attending Board Members:   Mary Esther Putnam, Allen Cannon, Herman Nordbruch and Dall Winn

Also Present:  Rick Peetz, Treasurer;   Steve Shakespeare, Fire Chief;  Rachel Carignan, Secretary

Absent:  John Nichols

Guest:  Ford Northington, Gerald Schiefer, Laurett Winterton, Guin Winn and Frank Davie


Mary Esther Putnam called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm, Dall led the Pledge of Allegiance, and Herman said the Prayer.

Meeting Minutes

The Minutes of the February 1, 2017 Meeting were read by each Board Member.  Dall motioned to accept the Minutes with one correction, Herman seconded the motion and all else were in favor.

Building Permits to Review

There were no Building Permits.

Board Member Reports

Dall explained the status of a piece of land in the Valley that has been sold and will be part of the conservation easement which is very good for the Valley.    

Fire Chief:  Steve told us about a Preparedness Summit he attended for the five counties.  They discussed a major disaster and concluded that Pine Valley would be responsible for itself.  Gerarld who also attended, reported to us on the snow in the mountains and how it compared to other years.  We are concerned about flooding, and a lot will depend on how quickly it melts.  Also, there are over a thousand sand bags at the fire station.  We can all work together to keep flooding under control.  The Fire Chief read his report 1 March 2017 with 3 incidents, one lasting over 2 days. He also explained how smoke alarms work, and the most important thing we can do is to change our batteries yearly.

Treasurer Report:  Rick told us about our Liability Insurance and how it works.  He has a map of all the properties in Pine Valley loaded into his computer and he will be able to invoice directly from the computer.  He has signed up to go to a meeting on writing grants with the 5 Counties on March 15.  Rick read and explained the “Balance Sheet” dated March 1, 2017, the “Profit & Loss Sheet” dated February 2017, the “Profit and Loss Detail Sheet” dated February 2017 and “Profit and Loss Budget vs. Actual Sheet” dated January through February 2017.  Financials were motioned by Dall and seconded by Herman, and all were in favor.

Gerald asked Steve about where we are on the purchase of the two Brush trucks from BLM.  They are still discussing this, but may have news by next month.

Steve brought up a question on the water department and Allen explained how the water department works.  Steve is asking Allen if he could find out what projects they have in the future.  Some of the lines only are 4” and may need to be larger for the growth in the area.  Allen will go to the Pine Valley Water Co. and talk with them about this.

Dall motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:00 pm.  Herman seconded and all were in favor.

The next scheduled PVSSD meeting will be April 5, 2017 at 6:00 pm.