Attending Board Members: Mary Esther Putnam, Chairwoman; John Nichols, Bob Dalley, Dave Codding and Allen Cannon
Also Present: Steve Shakespeare, Fire Chief; Rick Peetz, Treasurer; Rachel Carignan, Secretary
Absent: None
Guest: Ford Northington, Patty Schneider, Bill Hoy, Emily and Brad Esposito
General Business
Mary Esther called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. Steve led the Pledge of Allegiance and Mary Esther led the prayer.
The minutes of the May 2, 2018 Meeting were read by each Board Member. Dave motioned to accept the minutes. Bob seconded the motion, and all were in favor.
Building Permits to Review
A building permit was issued during the last month to Kevin and Kathy Eyre for property above Sid Izatt.
Board Member Reports
There are complaints about the cattle guard closest to town. John will contact the County and see if there is anything they can do. Bob asked about the cattle sign with flashing light. He questioned if the light was working. John said he would talk to the County about it when he is talking to them about the cattle guard.
Fire Chief Report
Steve went over the three incidents in May. Steve brought up options for purchasing a new rescue vehicle that had been approved in the last meeting. He presented lease vehicles with one-year leases and explained how the lease would work. He then presented three options for a new vehicle. It was approved at the last meeting to spend up to $30,000 on a new vehicle. After discussion it was decided to purchase a 2018 F150 4×4 Crew Cab from Ken Garff, St. George Ford. Bob motioned to purchase the vehicle, Allen seconded, and all were in favor. Allen said the County had installed all the street signage we had asked for. He suggested Mary Esther write a thank you note to Ron Whitehead for helping with this.
Impact Fee Resolution
Rick read and explained exactly what you can spend money on, collected from impact fees. After discussion, it was decided to accept the Resolution with the new language. Bob moved and John seconded, with all in favor, to accept the Revision to Impact Fees with minor changes. Rick will post with new changes.
Tax Levy Discussion
Steve had talked with Kim Hafen about the Tax Levy. Allen, Steve and Bob will continue to look into this.
Treasurer Report
Rick said the building has been paid in full. Rick needs to update his Quick Books. All agreed. Rick said town flags are at 77 and 23 for people. There has been a lot of positive comments about the flags. Then Rick read and explained the “Profit and Loss Sheet” dated May 2018, the “Profit and Loss Budget vs. Actual Sheet MTD” dated January through May 2018, the “Profit and Loss Budget vs. Actual Sheet Annual” dated January through May 2018, the “Balance Sheet” dated As of May 31, 2018, the Edith Green Fund “Profit and Loss Detail Sheet” dated January through May 2018, and the Edith Green Fund “Balance Sheet” dated June 4, 2018. Financials were motioned by Allen, seconded by Bob, and all were in favor.
Allen motioned to adjourn at 7:15 pm. Bob seconded and all were in favor.
Bill Hoy told us about his book-box outside his home where people can borrow books to read.
The next scheduled PVSSD meeting will be July 11, 2018 at 6:00 pm.