Pine Valley Special Services District Meeting (PVSSD): Minutes of the Meeting held on January 4, 2017

Pine Valley Special Services District Meeting on Jan, 4, 2017 at 6:00 pm


Attending Board Members:   Mary Esther Putnam, Allen Cannon and John Nichols

Also Present:  Rick Peetz, Treasurer;   Steve Shakespeare, Fire Chief;  Rachel Carignan, Secretary

Absent:  Dall Winn and Herman Nordbruch

Guest:  Ford Northington, Gerald Schiefer, Laurett Winterton and Tom Nielsen


Mary Esther Putnam called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm, Allen led the Pledge of Allegiance, and Rick said the Prayer,

Meeting Minutes

The Minutes of the December 7, 2016 Meeting were read by each Board Member.  Allen motioned to accept the Minutes, John seconded the motion and all else were in favor.

Building Permits to Review

There were no Building Permits.

Board Member Reports 

Allen mentioned we might get funding to help build a new Post Office and is looking into the different possibilities.  He handed out packet of four sheets with a picture of an existing Post Office built to reflect the historical nature of the Valley.  Also it included a Preliminary Floor Plan, Elevations and Interior Elevations.  This was a great start to a future Post Office.

Fire Chief:  Steve gave us a copy of the Chief’s Report 4 January 2017.  He talked about the four incidents this last month, which included two EMT calls to Central, pulling truck out of snow and keys locked in running truck.

Treasurer Report:  Rick Peetz read and explained the “Balance Sheet” dated December 31, 2016, the “Profit & Loss Sheet” dated December 2016, the “Profit & Loss Detail” dated December 2016 and the “Profit and Loss Budget vs. Actual” dated January through December 2016.  Rick explained we had approved and finalized the budget, and it had been sent to the State and approved.  Budgets are done.  Allen suggested our Capital Improvements for the next five years should be continually looked at during the year.

Allen motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:10 pm.  John seconded and all were in favor.

The next scheduled PVSSD meeting will be February 1, 2017 at 6:00 pm.