Pine Valley Special Services District Meeting
December 9, 2020 6:00 pm.
Attending Board Members: Rick Peetz, Treasurer; Steve Shakespeare, Fire Chief; LaDawn Christensen, Secretary; Allen Cannon, Herman Nordbruch, Bob Dalley
Absent: Mary Esther Putnam, Larry Gardner
Attending Guest: Jan Brown, Dan Brown, Audrey Krohn, Duane Krohn, Mike Stucki, Brad Esposito, Rick Albee
General Business: Rick Albee led the prayer and Brad Esposito led the Pledge of Allegiance. Meeting called to order by Allen Cannon. The November 2020 minutes were approved by Bob Dalley, Herman Nordbruch seconds, and all in favor.
Fire Chief Report: 8 EMT call outs last month. Waiting for the Enterprise attorney to draft the ambulance agreement and currently in their possession.
Building Permits: This item will be eliminated from the agenda in future meetings. It is in the financial report. One permit paid for this past week in the Stucki development.
Board Member Reports: The Special Services District possible consolidation decision is pending. Pine Valley will continue forward with current plans as if no there will be no consolidation.
Treasurer Report: Rick Peetz issued to all members the November treasure reports and the board approved the treasure report. No questions presented.
Budget Report: Rick Peetz mentioned that Mary Esther Putnam met with county commissioners regarding who has authority to increase the PVSSD rates. Commissioners indicate the authority to change the rates is approved by PVSSD board that they created. Bob moved to approve the budget after adjustments and the fire department needs request without increasing the fees. Next year will show a capital expenditure on the financials.
Citizens Report: Rick Albee and Brad Esposito asked the Special Service District for a representative for the CWPP (Community Wildlife Protection Plan) committee. Herman Nordbruch was asked to be the representative and he agreed. Duane Krohn asked if a loader can place large items (i.e., appliances) at the dump into the large dumpsters. Steve Shakespeare suggest that a call/complaint to Republic Services is the best option to get those larger items crushed and put into the dumpsters on a regular basis.
The next scheduled PVSSD meeting will be January 6, 2021.
PVSSD Board Meeting adjourned by Allen and moved into PVLAD meeting.
Pine Valley Local District’s Administrative Control Board
December 9, 2020 7:00 pm
Attending Board Members: Rick Peetz, Treasurer; Steve Shakespeare, Fire Chief; LaDawn Christensen, Secretary; Allen Cannon, Bob Dalley, Herman Nordbruch
Absent: Larry Gardner, Chairman; Frank Davie, Vice Chairman
Attending Guest: None
General Business: November 2020 meeting minutes approved.
Board Member Reports: No reports.
Budget Report: Board approved the budget.
Treasurer Report: No issues, questions or comments on the financial report. No emails or comments.
Signs Report: Issued and no comments.
The next scheduled PVLAD meeting will be January 6, 2021.
PVLAD Board Meeting adjourned.