Attending Members: Mary Esther Putnam (Chair); Dall Winn; John Nichols;
Also Present: Gerald Schiefer (Fire Chief); George Cropper (Treasurer); Beverly Udell (Secretary).
Guests: Guin Winn; Fred Pendleton; Laurett Winterton; Rob Terisigni; Vi Esparza; Fermin Esparza; Wendell Gray; Cindy Gray; Rhodell Terry; Linda Nichols; Ray Lindblom; Elaine Lindblom
Absent: Spence Beckstrom; Jeff Gardner
1. General Business:
a/b. Welcome – Meeting was opened by Mary Esther (Co-Chair) at 5:50 PM and the Pledge of Allegiance was said.
c. Minutes – The Minutes from August 5, 2009 were reviewed by each Board member. Dall motioned to accept the Minutes as written, John seconded the motion and all were in favor.
d. Pine Valley Building Permits Reviewed: N/A Gerald wondered if we were getting building permits on all of the various building projects that are going up in the valley – there seems to be a discrepancy between last year and this year and the amount of letters that were sent out for the annual fee?
e. Rob Terisigni: Rob came to update the Board on the financial status with regards to his deputies patrolling Pine Valley. We have approximately $1500 left of the annual $9000 budget. Someone brought up that they thought the amount of money budgeted this year was actually $10,000. If that is the case, then we have $2500 left. Rob guesstimated that coverage over Labor Day weekend will probably exhaust the rest of the funds. The Board tossed around other patrolling needs like during hunting season, Thanksgiving weekend, Christmas vacation. The new sledding hill that the Forestry Department is creating is also a worry in that we are afraid it is actually going to bring up more people to play and party in the snow. Laurett shared about the strange man who came to their door at night, and they feared he meant to do harm. Also brought up was the Pit Bulls that Tim at the Lodge owns and what a fear factor they are. Rob said that Tim was sited because of his dogs and Rob thought they were now gone, but indeed that are still present at the Lodge. Gerald spoke of the homes that have been broken into up around Lloyd Canyon. Times are definitely changing for the worse. There is obviously a need for more police protection around here, but how to pay for it is a dilemma. People are frustrated because we pay taxes just like everyone else, but then unlike everywhere else, we also have to come up with more of our own money to pay for needed protection.
f. Board Member Reports:
Spence spoke with the County Attorney and he suggested that we send the letter (that was presented for view at the last meeting) to the folks of the Pine Valley Irrigation Co. with regards to the situation with the new fire hydrants. * Mary Esther presented Dall and Guin Winn a letter of appreciation for all of the work and time they gave towards the building of the new fire station addition. The addition looks awesome!
Dall: Dall reported that while Spence was meeting with Dave Patterson (County Attorney), they spoke about the situation with trailers and motor homes being parked and lived in around Pine Valley. The County Attorney’s office has an assistant that is going to be researching the current laws regarding the trailers. * The County now has money for fixing the roads. They are going to be starting repair of the road from Central to Pine Valley – this includes making the cattle guards more driver friendly. Rhodell brought up a road issue that she has been having with the County. She said that 3rd West, which runs in front of their house, used to be a viable road, but the County is now saying that it never really existed, therefore the County does not want to maintain it. Rhodell says that the road is a safety problem, especially in the winter.
John: Campground construction is moving along right on schedule. * John brought up the topic of all the numerous call-outs that we get to help Central as EMTs. He feels strongly that we are called there too often and he regards that as a financial drain on Pine Valley. He doesn’t feel that Central should be our responsibility, instead he feels that Central should either get some of their own people trained to be emergency medical technicians, or some how we should be able to bill them for our services. Central is starting to help a little bit with traffic direction during a call out to their area, but that help is slow and erratic. Dall explained to John that at one of our previous meeting, we brought the possibility of billing Central up to Dave Patterson – he was going to check into it, but stated that was probably a can of worms that we wouldn’t even want to touch. Five of the last 13 calls have been to Central. John again stated that he feels we should not be doing this. Dall added that Central is in the process of restructuring their Fire Department. They are currently under a new fire chief. He is hoping that with a little time, things would get better.
g. Fire Chief – See report.
h. Treasurer’s Report – George: See attached report.
2 – Public Comments: N/A
John moved for the meeting to adjourn at 7:00. All were in favor.
The next Board meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 7, 2008 at 5:00 P.M.