Meeting Called to Order at 6:05pm by Chairman Mary Esther Putnam
Pledge of Allegiance led by Fred Pendleton
Board Members Present: Mary Esther Putnam, Dall Winn, Spence Beckstrom, John Nichols, Jeff Gardner.
Treasurer: George Cropper
Excused: Secretary Beverly Udell (Fred Pendleton filled in to take Minutes.)
Review of Minutes deferred to next meeting.
No Building permits to review.
Transfer of Funds from PVSSD to PVLAD:
Spence reported on discussions with the County Attorney who said that PVSSD Annual Fee’s (annual assessment) may only be used for support of functions defined in the Board Charter (Fire Department) and must not be transferred to the PVLAD. Funds from other sources such as grant and other donations may be transferred. Chief Schiefer stated that most grants are approved by the grantor to specific purchases and uses. Funds received from a local foundation are approved by the foundation at the time funds are granted. George Cropper explained that the current accounting procedures do not income by source, except for Impact Fees.
Board Member Reports:
Jeff Gardner – Had no new information on Rural District designation. Safety question was raised on Propane Rack at Branding Iron. (See Fire Chiefs Report).
Dall Winn – Reported on plans for Firemen’s Dinner. Reservations received for 40 People. Three people in attendance had not sent in reservation but will be attending. Menu has been changed slightly from last year to reduce serving time. Prime Rib replaces steak.
John Nichols – Nothing to Report
Fire Chiefs Report – Attached
George Cropper – Financial Report. George request that Board Members be thinking about budget for next year. It was recommended that budget include new fire hydrants. The Fire Chief will contact the local contribution foundation about using funds for law enforcement. It was propose that if approved, grant money would go directly to the Local District.
The Meeting was adjourned at 6:45pm