Pine Valley Special Service District Meeting (PVSSD) Minutes of the Meeting Held on November 5, 2014 at 6:00 pm

Attending Members:      Mary Esther Putnam, Chairwoman; Dall Winn, Vice Chair;

Herman Nordbruch

Also Present:     George Cropper, Treasurer; Beverly Udell, Secretary; Gerald Schiefer, Fire Chief

Absent:               Jeff Gardner, John Nichols

Guests:               Fred Pendleton, Ford Northington, Sharron Northington, Guin Winn,

Steve Shakespeare

General Business:


Mary Esther called meeting to order at 6:02 p.m.

Herman led Pledge of Allegiance


Meeting Minutes:

Minutes of the Meeting for September were read by each Board member. Dall motioned to accept

the Minutes as written, Herman seconded the motion, and all else were in favor. Then each Board

member also read the Minutes for October. Once again, Dall motioned to accept the Minutes as

written, Herman seconded the motion, and all else were in favor.


Building Permits: N/A


Purchasing Policy: George brought in a proposed policy for the Board to review. We can use the

State’s policy, or create one of our own. We are required to review our charge accounts each year.

(Bracken’s, Veyo Merc, Tink’s Auto, Ben Franklin * In addition to our Fire Chief (Gerald Schiefer) we

also have 3 assistant chiefs – Steve Shakespeare and Bruce Bergeson in Fire and Laurett Winterton

in EMT. George mentioned that State law dictates that a Chief can see and review the records,

he/she is just not allowed to be the one to record them. Thus far Dall has been the one to review the

bills and receipts before George pays them, and this system has worked out well for us. Since that is

how the policy dictates, we can keep doing things that way. * While there has thus far never been any

doubt with how we have contracted for work, to keep everyone honest and without question in the

future, we need to be obtaining bids for contracted work or large purchases. Herman motioned to

accept the policy with one amendment. Dall seconded that motion and all else were in favor.


Proposed Budget for 2015: George – See George’s draft for the tentative budget. Gerald said he is

not planning to request a grant or donation for 2015. A notice will be placed in The Spectrum

newspaper for a budget hearing and approval during December’s meeting.


Board Member Reports:


Mary Esther: N/A


Dall Winn:     Dall was thanked for another wonderful Pine Valley Fireman’s Appreciation Dinner. He

hopes to continue having such a dinner each year because he feels very strongly that our volunteers

should be recognized for their service. Beverly made mention that Guin Winn also had a big hand in

getting the Dinner together, and how much her time was appreciated along with Dall’s. We had 50-60

people in attendance at the Dinner. * Dall said that several Board members of the PVSSD and

PVLAD have left or are leaving in the near future on Church missions. That will leave empty positions

in both Boards. Dall checked with the County and if we would like to submit some names for possible

replacements, the County can appoint them as members instead of having to go through the time and

expense to advertise. Currently Alan Cannon is an alternate.


Herman:        Reported that he spoke with again with Colt Smith regarding a consumer conference

report from Pine Valley Irrigation. Thus far Colt has searched through over a 1000 records trying to

find one put out by the Pine Valley Irrigation Co., but thus far he has not been successful in finding



Fire Chief:     See Gerald’s report. Update on the patient from the EMT callout the other day. The

young man remains in ICU in critical condition. Beverly, Gerald and Lee have all visited the hospital at

different times. The family is hopeful, and extremely thankful for the care that Pine Valley, Enterprise

and Life Flight all had in the rescue of their boy. His sister has started a blog to keep everyone

informed – it is . * Gerald reported about break-ins to other fire

departments on the area (Dameron Valley, Central and Enterprise.) It is believed that drugs were the

incentive. Gerald would like to purchase a locking gun case to store any EMT medications in. Steve

Shakespeare is checking into a case.


Treasurer Report: George submitted Profit & Loss Statement for October 2014. * George also went

over again the payment plan for the Pine Valley Irrigation Company. We will pay part of the bill in

December 2014 and the other part in 2015.


Citizen Comments: N/A


Dall motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:00 p.m.