Pine Valley Special Service District Meeting (PVSSD): Minutes of the Meeting held on May 3, 2017

Pine Valley Special Services District Meeting on May 3, 2017 at 6:00 pm

Attending Board Members:   Allen Cannon, Herman Nordbruch and Dall Winn

Also Present:  Rick Peetz, Treasurer;  Steve Shakespeare, Fire Chief;  Rachel Carignan, Secretary

Absent:  Mary Esther Putnam and John Nichols

Guests:  Ford Northington, Gerald Schiefer, Guin Winn, Larry Gardner, Bruce Bergeson, Bob Dalley, Frank Davie, Spencer Beckstrom, Joe Rechsteiner and Laurett Winterton


Dall Winn called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.  Herman led the Pledge of Allegiance.

The Minutes of the April 5, 2017 Meeting were read by each Board Member.  Allen motioned to accept the Minutes, Herman seconded the motion and all else were in favor.

Building Permits to Review

A Building Permit from Brian Mogensen was presented to the Board.  It is located at 37 South Lloyd Canyon Road, telephone number 435-668-7513.  After a discussion it was approved and signed by Dall, Allen and Herman.

Board Member Reports

Allen brought up the project of a new Post Office.  He and Rick had applied for a Grant from the Five County Board, but it had been turned down.  Allen will be working on different types of buildings that could hold our mailboxes and a library.  Allen mentioned different ways to raise the money.  Discussion on the building will continue over the next few months

Dall Winn read a letter on different types of projects that had been approved by the Five County Commissioners.  Dall also summarized the meeting with the Washington County Commissioners on April 10th and went over some of the projects we had talked about.  Gerald had attended and remarked the commissioners were very attentive to everyone and felt it was a very productive meeting.  Dall also complemented the great attitude of the Commissioners, and Joe who attended from Forest and was also very helpful to us.  Dall was very positive for the future.  Steve asked Joe if we were on the schedule yet for the Forest Survey, and he replied not yet, but would be scheduled in early summer.  Joe explained the way this Survey will work and how they will deal with some of the problems if they come up.  Allen talked about preparing for our next quarterly meeting with the commissioners by listing action items and following through with our request.  Steve also talked about the future of Pine valley and the direction we are going.  We will continue in the next months to work on both of these items.  Steve reported he had attended the last Water Board Meeting.  He had brought up the Fire Hydrant by the Lodge.  The Board told Steve the Fire Department is in charge of the Hydrants and owns them.  It is the Fire Department’s job to make sure the Hydrant is installed properly and inspected.  The Water Board only hooks the hydrant to their water system and makes sure it is working properly.  The Hydrant in question can be fixed in two different ways:  leave where it is now but it needs 10 feet of space on both sides, or buy a one foot extension which cost $600-$700 and $1000 to be installed.  In the future, Steve wants all the Fire Hydrants brought up to specs.  We have a great relationship with the Water Board and want to keep it.  It was motioned and seconded by Herman and Allen that the status of Fire Hydrants is understood, with all in favor.  Dall also asked Steve if he could do a status of all fire hydrants by the next meeting and Steve agreed.

Treasurer Report:  Rick reported on the two Fire Trucks he has been trying to buy for two years.  He has the paperwork, purchased and sent the money.  He expects delivery within two weeks.  But they need radios so they will stay in Cedar City until radios are installed, then they will come to Pine Valley.  He has the insurance for the year done, and will add insurance for the two trucks.  He is still working with transparency with the State.  Audits are due on May 30th.  Rick read and explained the “Balance Sheet” dated April 30, 2017, the “Profit & Loss Sheet” dated April 2017, the “Profit and Loss Detail Sheet” dated April 2017, the “Statement of Cash Flow” dated April 2017, and “Profit and Loss Budget vs. Actual Sheet” dated January through April 2017.  Financials were motioned by Allen and seconded by Dall, and all were in favor.  Gerald mentioned all Vehicles will be inspected in May.  Allen also brought up if the new radios in the trucks would be part of capital expense along with the trucks, and it was agreed.

Joe from Forest asked for permission to use the Fire House for a public meeting on Tuesday June 6 from 5-7 pm.  It was agreed.  It is called the Grass Valley Project which deals with a Fuel Break and a Prescribed Burn.  He is also asking for funding for the Pine Valley Fuel Break to widen the fuel break around the town.  It will be between 2017 and 2018.  They are removing trees from around the reservoir.  The cows are coming the middle of the month.

Allen motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:00 pm.  Herman seconded and all were in favor.

The next scheduled PVSSD meeting will be June 7, 2017 at 6:00 pm.