Pine Valley Special Service District Meeting (PVSSD): Minutes of the Meeting held On March 7, 2012

Attending Members: Mary Esther Putnam (Chair); Spence Beckstrom; Dall Winn

Also Present: Gerald Schiefer (Fire Chief); George Cropper (Treasurer); Beverly Udell (Secretary)

Absent: Jeff Gardner; John Nichols

Guests: Fred Pendleton; Fermin Esparza; Violet Esparza


1.  General Business:

a/b. Welcome – Meeting was opened by Mary Esther (Chair) at 6:00

c. Minutes for February 8, 2012 were reviewed by each Board member. Dall motioned for the approval of both sets of minutes, as written. Spence seconded that motion and all were in favor.

Pine Valley Building Permits Reviewed:  Rolland Griffin house. Mary Esther will get Beverly the information on the property. George asked about an impact fee for that property, for which Mary Esther will also check on.


d. Board Member Reports -

Dall: Dall said that he and Gerald reviewed the list of firemen and EMTs who would be exempt from the 2012 PVSSD fee, based on the amount of volunteer hours they provided the Department last year. There are currently 19 fire/EMT people on that exemption list. He gave the list to Beverly to use when she sends out the annual letter. * Dall already sent Beverly a condensed version of the Utah OHV laws, which she will include in the annual fee letter. OHVs coming in from other states must have a Utah sticker. Drivers must have a current driver’s license or special permit. * Dall has made out a new log for patrol to be used in conjunction with our sheriff contract.

Mary Esther:  Will get the InfoWest bill to George.

Spence: Regarding the question that came up last month about our feral dog and cat problem – the Country does not have any type of animal control program; therefore “self help” is our only recourse towards the problem. Fermin asked what we get for our taxes that we all pay. It doesn’t seem that any of that ever filters back to services for Pine Valley. * The Forestry Department will provide the materials to help us fix the gate post at the cattle guard on the main road into town. Spence will follow up on that. * the Pine Valley Local Administrative District will now hold quarterly meetings instead of monthly ones. The next PVLAD meeting will be in April.

Jeff: N/A

John: N/A


e. Fire Chief – Gerald (see report). Gerald made a flow chart of the order of “bosses” for the fire department (including EMTs). * Jamie and Beverly are due for a recertification in December. All EMT members need CME hours to keep current and to also build towards their own recertification. Gerald wants to send all 8 EMTs to the May EMT training conference in St. George. This was approved by the Board.


f. Treasurer Report – George (see report). The appraisal report came through (the one that was done at the request of our insurance company. George shared what their findings were. * George needs to transfer money into the checking account for payroll check for he and Beverly. He proposes transferring $2000.00 will cover through the summer.


2 –   Public Comments: Vi asked if the Pine Valley Dinner will still be held this year and whether or not the ticket prices would remain the same. Beverly, Fred and Gerald all chimed in on this conversation. The answer is 1) Yes the date will remain the same 2) There has not yet been a PVDC meeting this year, so we can not yet say what the ticket prices will be, although we do try extremely hard not to raise them AND 3) Our ticket prices are based largely on the cost of the food catering. If food prices increase, then sadly the ticket prices must also go up to accommodate for that.


Spence moved to adjourn at 6:45 p.m. All were in favor. The next Board meeting will be held on Wednesday, Match 7, 2012 at 6:00 P.M.