Pine Valley Special Service District Meeting (PVSSD): Minutes of the Meeting held On March 7, 2007

Attending Members: Mary Esther Putnam (Chair); Gerald Schiefer (VC); Dall Winn; Spencer Beckstrom; Ron Snow

Also Present: Steve Robinson (Fire Chief), George Cropper (Treasurer) and Beverly Udell (Secretary)

Guests: Guin Winn


1.  General Business:

a/b. Welcome – The meeting was called to order at 6:05 P.M. with the opening being the Pledge of Allegiance.

c. Minutes:  Minutes from last month were not ready for tonight’s meeting.  They will be reviewed at the meeting next month.

d. Pine Valley Building Permits Reviewed:  (1) One permit that came through this month was for a building that was too high for code.  Ron explained that since our task is simply to review the plans, all we could do was make a note of the height overage for the County and hopefully they will catch it to disapprove it.  (2) Duane and Audrie Krohn @ 1925 S. 400 West (Lot 25, Aspen Meadows)  (3) Dana and Christopher Donohue @ 32 S. Sage Rd. (Lot 3) (5243 Chela Dr., Las Vegas, NV  89120).

f. Treasurer’s Report – George (see George’s Report)  Expenses were shown on the report for what was spent since the last meeting.  There has also been a bill for the web site $79.50.  Gerald motioned to pay it, Spence seconded and all were in favor.  * Mary Esther hasn’t yet heard back from a second CPA as far as possibly getting our reports done cheaper.

g. Fire Chief’s Report – Steve: February was a quiet month.  There wasn’t any fire callouts and only two EMS calls. * There was battery replacements ordered for the handheld radio units @ $352.01.  Batteries were also ordered for the portable lamps @ $89.04 * The State fire grant was submitted and accepted.  As part of the 2007 grant we applied for additional radio harnesses and additional web gear.  Our application for these was approved, but we still don’t know if it will be a 50/50 split or a 90/10 split. * Special thanks goes to Ed Evans Construction, who donated considerable time to keep all of the ice and snow away from the fire station and post office during the winter.  Golden Steel from Wade Ranch has also done some plowing. * Foam and dry pack items (nozzles, fittings) have been ordered.  Also request was made for authorization to pre-purchase harness, radios and heli-pack.  Dall motioned to buy equipment that Steve requested in anticipation of the state grant money.  Ron seconded and all else were in favor.

h.  Board Member Reports:

Mary Esther:  Lee Hanson had approached Mary Esther about dust abatement for our roads.  He found a guy that would do 10 blocks for $5000.  The need for this is caused by the complaints from the property owners that OHV riding is causing too much dust.  * There needs to be a written notice from the PVSSD to the County requesting removal of the signs regarding OHV riding in the valley. * We will have a meeting with the Commissioner and Sheriff.

Spence:  The County Attorney said that the County Board might be willing to designate a road in Pine Valley for the purpose of riding ATVs, as long as we came up with the money for a constable to patrol and enforce it.  Mary Esther did a little figuring and it would cost us upwards of $6000 in our funds, along with what the Forestry Department was paying.  It would amount to roughly $30.00 an hour and we would need about 400 hours.  We should meet with Rob (Deputy) and Dave Patterson.  We would then need to add law enforcement to our charter.

Gerald: Feds are not hauling the wood out from their thinning project. * The legislation for Special Service Districts will be changing.  We won’t know the outcome until the 21st of March.  * There have been 7 new house break-ins in the Lloyd Canyon area, plus another one on 400 East (the Schnider’s house).  We are definitely in need of some type of constable to patrol up here. * Pavilion update:  the PV Dinner Committee doesn’t have the authority to take on such a project because it is on land that is on a special use permit to the PVSSD.  The original use permit (1997) does include the wording for a recreational area; however we would have to get our current Charter changed to include recreation.  If/when we redo the Charter, we should also look at any possible future needs such as the proposed constable. A question was raised as to whether or not the Impact Fees could be used to build the pavilion and it was thought that it would be worth checking into, but after we check other financial options first.  Gerald said that we would do the park in stages, as opposed to not all at once.  Dall mentioned that they had looked into doing some type of pavilion 10 years ago, but the SSD got stuck on the issue of maintaining the building and all the expenses that go along with that.

Ron: There still are not any barriers placed at Dead Man’s curve

Dall: N/A



2 –   Public Comments – None


At 7:10 PM, Dall moved for the meeting to adjourn.  Gerald seconded.


The next Board meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 4, 2007 at 6:00 P.M.