Attending Members: Mary Esther Putnam (Chair); Spence Beckstrom; Dall Winn; Jeff Gardner; John Nichols
Also Present: Gerald Schiefer (Fire Chief); George Cropper (Treasurer); Beverly Udell (Secretary)
Absent: N/A
Guests: Fermin Esparza; Ford Northington; Sharron Northington; Ray Lindblom
1. General Business:
a/b. Welcome – Meeting was opened by Mary Esther (Chair) at 6:00. Jeff led the Pledge.
c. Minutes for April 4, 2012 were reviewed by each Board member. (There was not a May meeting.) Dall motioned for the approval of both sets of minutes, as written. Jeff seconded that motion and all were in favor.
d. Pine Valley Building Permits Reviewed: An Impact fee for the Horlacher property had been received this month.
e. Board Member Reports -
Dall: We need to recognize the service that our people in the fire department put in. Dall shared that he had received a note from the State of Utah recognizing him for his ten years of service. He strongly feels that we should do something similar for the rest of the members of our fire department. We have many long timers of our roster. Dall suggested a dinner (as we have done in the past), along with certificates or a plaque – something to add special recognition to out people who have given ten years or beyond in service. The rest of the Board agreed and will follow up with a plan.
Mary Esther: the PV web site domain name fee is expiring and needs to be paid. * Kevin Keyes (a Pine Valley property owner) is interested in Pine Valley becoming a “Rural Preservation” area. Kevin is living in the valley part time. He is willing to take this project on and draft wording for a County Code.
Spence: Regarding the cattle guard at the curve (entrance into Pine Valley) – to repair the cattle guard and replace the gate (and fence line along it) has been bid at $1645. It can be a fire department payment because of us hanging our signs on it? George feels that might be getting into a gray area where funding is concerned. This will be tabled until the July meeting. Ford Northington suggested asking the Forestry Department to help with costs of that repair since they are the ones that have had so many heavy construction trucks coming into the Valley the last few years. Spence answered that the Forestry Department has already offered to help by supplying the materials.
Jeff: Contractors parking on the street and blocking access is a big problem. * Sheriff patrol during the week (and some weekend time as well) has been on their dime. Specific weekend times (as out contract indicates) will be on our financing.
John: N/A
e. Fire Chief – Gerald (see report). People starting fires is a big problem. * Byrce Christensen is the only contractor (out of 3) who put in a bid for gravel to the Post Office area. His bid came to $1200 for three loads of gravel. * CERT class has been postponed until Fall because of lack of people being able to commit over the summer months. * ATV’s over Memorial Weekend were a big problem. People have radar that as soon as the Sheriff leaves the Valley, the ATV offenders come back out. * We have received a grant for $5,600, but that was less than what we asked for. With it we can purchase a new computer and a pump.
f. Treasurer Report – George (see report). Reports for 2011 have been sent to the State Auditor. * George went to the Auditor’s meeting in St. George. He didn’t feel that a lot of what was said pertained to us. The “Little Black Book” has been revised. * All fire department vehicles have now been inspected and serviced. This is something we have performed annually.
2 – Public Comments: The RV dump station has been closed. No one seems to know why. The signs for it have been covered. The camp hosts are in charge of that dump station. * The Pine Valley garbage dump still remains a problem, especially after Memorial Day (which traditionally happens every year at that time.) It was suggested that we draft a letter about our dump rules, and also about speeding problems, to be given to contractors. However, that is not something that we can do since neither problem falls under the PVSSD charter. It cost $2500 last year to clean up the dump site. We can not be vigilantes over guarding the dump area because that would not be safe for any of our people. We all feel that the problems are coming from outside people.
Dall moved to adjourn at 7:05 p.m. All were in favor. The next Board meeting will be held on Wednesday, July 11, 2012 at 6:00 P.M.