Attending Members: Mary Esther Putnam (Chair); Dall Winn; Spencer Beckstrom; Ron Snow
Also Present: George Cropper (Treasurer) and Beverly Udell (Secretary)
Guests: Guin Winn; Rexine Rowley; Helga Love; Gayle Cloud
Absent: Gerald Schiefer (VC); Steve Robinson (Fire Chief);
1. General Business:
a/b. Welcome – The meeting was called to order at 6:00 P.M. with the opening being the Pledge of Allegiance.
c. Minutes: Minutes from May 2, 2007 were read by Mary Esther. They were motioned for approval (after the correction of typos) by Spence and seconded by Ron. All were in favor.
d. Fire Chief’s Report and Gerald’s Report – presented via typed report from Gerald since neither he nor Steve were present – see extra page. Spence suggested that someone needs to see Gerald’s report concerning continuing OHV abuse in the valley. However it was noted that while the sheriff was present over Memorial weekend that things were indeed much better. Guin shared that there was a problem at the college building and that maybe someone should call the college to report it. Dall told how he came back in town on the Sunday of Memorial weekend and that by Monday he experienced heavy OHV problems, but that the sheriff’s coverage was less on that day also. He saw the sheriff drive in and right back out; not staying that day. He feels one of the biggest issues is that the public really isn’t aware of what the new regulations are. Kids still believe that if they drive off the road that they will be okay. Maybe we should recommend that the County put a notice in the Spectrum regarding what the new rules are. Noise from the ATVs is still continuing to be a big offense.
e. Pine Valley Building Permits Reviewed: None. Mike Walton called Mary Esther about a difficulty that he was having getting his garage built because Kirk Gardner saw a problem. Mike thought that because the PVSSD “approved” his plans, that this should then mean everything he tried to do in the building would be okay. Mary Esther explained to him that our “approval” was not covering every detail.
f. Board Member Reports:
Spence: The purchasing procedure is now in place. * We need to get $6,000 to the Sheriff for the extra coverage, but as of yet we do not have the authority in our charter to do that. * Spence suggested that more streets get black topped to help alleviate the dust. Mary Esther wondered if we would also then have to put in curbs, gutters and sidewalks. She asked Spence to check into that.
Ron: There still are no concrete barriers on Deadman’s curve. He will continue to keep asking for them. * George inquired about the counters on the roadsides in PV and the thought was that maybe they were counting the number of cars for the road study report. * Dall mentioned that the road north of the church continued to be a swamp and he wondered if it actually belonged to the County. His thoughts were that if we could get the County to improve that road, then maybe the OHV riders would use it instead of the Main street. He thought the County could simply drain the road and then gravel it? Mary Esther suggested that Dall look into it.
Dall: He got five 4×4 safety zone signs regarding shooting within the Valley (no shooting allowed within 600 ft. of any dwelling or building.) We need to get plywood in order to hang them (maybe the Dinner Committee would sponsor that?) He hopes to get the signs posted well before hunting season. * Dall asked Wildlife Resources about getting more coverage up here, but was told that they are having a really hard time keeping officers on their staff because of the high cost of housing in Washington County.
Mary Esther: Impact fees are still much cheaper in Pine Valley than anywhere else. Does the Board think we should increase our Impact Fees? Ron offered to research what the other areas are charging. Currently we don’t yet even charge for add-ons of garages and such. * Someone asked if they could put a septic tank in even if they don’t plan to build for a long time; their thought is to be able to get theirs in before the County closes off that option and says “no more”.
g. Treasurer’s Report – George: The accountant has completed our report for the 2006 year. It is extra detailed this year because of the extra monies that went through our accounts due to the new fire truck. Mary Esther noticed that it was not an audit, but instead simply a more detailed report. The County has been given a copy and the state auditor will be mailed his soon. * See also George’s financial report. * The last building payment has been mailed to Zion’s Bank. * Dall asked if any extra EMS supplies have been purchased. Not to George’s knowledge. George suggested that possibly the donation from the “Edith Green Foundation” (Glen Mack), which was given to us last year, maybe could go towards the additional EMS supplies.
2 – Public Comments – None
At 6:45 PM, Ron moved for the meeting to adjourn. Dall seconded.
The next Board meeting will be held on Wednesday, August 1, 2007 at 6:00 P.M. (No meeting will be held in July because the first Wednesday falls on July 4th holiday.)