Pine Valley Special Service District Meeting (PVSSD): Minutes of the Meeting held On June 5, 2013

Attending Members: Mary Esther Putnam (Chair); John Nichols; Jeff Gardner

Also Present: Gerald Schiefer (Fire Chief); George Cropper (Treasurer); Beverly Udell (Secretary)

Absent: Dall Winn, Spence Beckstrom

Guests: Fred Pendleton; Gene Phillips; Steve Shakespeare; Frank Davie; Fermin Esparza; Vi Esparza; Ray Lindblom;

Rob Tersigni; Kirk Smith


General Business:

Mary Esther called meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Welcomed residents. The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Building Permits: N/A, Possible from Scott Cragun

State Auditor’s Report (Training) – George: We have a new State Auditor, as well as new legislation. Some of the pertinent items that were discussed were financial reports (including the signage of), taxpayer complaints, improving transparency, no longer is there regulated budget forms as we can now come up with our own, availability of minutes, pending audio availability within three days, written Minutes directly after approval, budget ammendation before extra dollars are spent, “Enterprise fund” (the type we have) does not need public approval before being amended, old Board members may serve until the new Board members are officially appointed, Local Districs are NOT ties to the County, procurement policy on bids and such need to be in writing, Board members need to have separate phone numbers and e-mails from their personal ones, conduct for open versus closed meetings, records officer job, no electronic communications may be used during meetings, topics not on the agenda are not supposed to be discussed during the meetings (unless the public brings up a topic or unless it is a future agenda topic), and the “Little Manual” from April 2013. * A question was asked about whether or not we can keep our Minutes for “only” Pine Valley property owners, meaning those who pay the annual dues for which our meetings are based. Kirk respondsed that we can not discriminate which public is considered “public”. Our records are public to all public.


Board Member Reports

Dall Winn: Absent

Mary Esther: N/A

John: Applauded the recent addition on the street between Central and Pine Valley of the signs with lights warning about cattle on the road. It is a great public safety addition. * Camps hosts says that attendance is up in the camp ground and they are utilizing the new camp sites. There were tons of campers turned away over Memorial Weekend.

Jeff: Spoke about the Rural Preservation Project. A letter was drafted to the County spelling out our intent and also giving Kevin Keyes the right to act on our behalf. One possible issue that the County might have is in regards to drainage. Mary Esther, Jeff and John all signed the letter. * Jeff suggested we authorize the purchase of an air compressor.

Spence: Absent

Fire Chief Report: Gerald (See report.)

Treasurer Report: George (See report.) We have had a great return on the annual fees.

Citizen Requests: Thank you Ray for the wonderful and continual garbage dump clean-up.


Jeff made motion to adjourn at 6:50 p.m.  Next meeting is July 3, 2013