Pine Valley Special Service District Meeting (PVSSD): Minutes of the Meeting held On June 3, 2009

Attending Members: Dall Winn; Spence Beckstrom; Jeff Gardner;

Also Present: George Cropper (Treasurer); Beverly Udell (Secretary).

Guests:  Guin Winn; Fred Pendleton; Helga Love; Gayle Cloud

Absent: Mary Esther Putnam (Chair); John Nichols; Gerald Schiefer (Fire Chief)


1.  General Business:

a/b. Welcome – Meeting was opened by Dall Winn (Co-Chair) at 5:00 PM and the Pledge of Allegiance was said.

c. Minutes – The Minutes from May 6 were reviewed by each Board member.  Dall motioned to accept the Minutes as written, Spence seconded the motion and all were in favor.

d. Pine Valley Building Permits Reviewed: One garage addition – no impact fee.  The owner is Rexine Rowley, who was not present at the meeting.  There was a question by the Board as to whether or not she was planning to build living quarters above the garage, so the Board opted to hold off signing the blue prints until further study.

Board Member Reports:

Spence: Spence can not yet get a hold of Dave Patterson regarding Impact Fees and the new regulations of such.  George ordered a book from the Utah Land Institute that supposedly has all of the new rules and regs about impact fees.  George and Jeff will get together when that book arrives and come up with a preliminary proposal.

Dall: Fire Station Addition: Alan Gardner sent Dall an e-mail with information about stimulus money coming down to help remodel fire stations.  Guin forwarded that info to Fred, who will be checking in to see what it requires. * JMI is currently right on schedule with the new building addition.

Jeff:  Jeff will get a hold of Gubler to see if it is time for road grating in Pine Valley.  Spence has been appointed as one of the board members for the County SSD dealing with the new stimulus monies.  He will give us a report after he learns anything.

Fire Chief – 2 EMT call last week..

h. Treasurer’s Report – George:  See attached report.  * There will be two big draws soon for money regarding the construction, one being for the concrete.  A 3rd big one will be around the end of June.  The first $24,000-25,000 for the building addition came from impact fees. The next segment will come partly from the rest of our impact fees and partly from the loan draw. * Financial reports for 2008 were sent to the County and State auditors.  * EMTs no longer have to go to Salt Lake for testing – we will be splitting the expenses with Enterprise to have the testers to come directly to Enterprise for the testing.

2 –   Public Comments: N/A


Spence moved for the meeting to adjourn at 5:40.  All were in favor.


The next Board meeting will be held on Wednesday, July 1 , 2008 at 5:00 P.M.