Pine Valley Special Service District Meeting (PVSSD): Minutes of the Meeting held On June 1, 2011

Attending Members: Mary Esther Putnam (Chair); John Nichols; Jeff Gardner

Also Present: Gerald Schiefer (Fire Chief); George Cropper (Treasurer); Beverly Udell (Secretary)

Absent: Dall Winn; Spence Beckstrom

Guests: Fred Pendleton, Fermin Esparza. Violet Esparza, Sharron Northington, Ford Northington, Ray Lindblom


1.  General Business:

a/b. Welcome – Meeting was opened by Mary Esther (Chair) at 6:02

c. Meeting Minutes for May 4, 2011 were reviewed. John motioned to approve the minutes. Jeff seconded the motion. Motion carried.

d. Pine Valley Building Permits Reviewed:  Ron Mortenson has now started building and has paid his fees.

e. George: Regarding property insurance for the fire department. The Utah Local Government Trust (our insurance carrier) sent out an independent surveyor to conduct an assessment on our building. They decided that our building was worth $523,900. We have only been insuring it at $500,000, so they recommended that we increase our policy to reflect the higher value. Ford asked if we had an insurance rider for earthquakes – the answer is that we do. The ULGT wants a response by the 12th of June. Beverly said that typical with other forms of building insurance, it probably would not be a big increase in our premiums to up our coverage another $24,000.  Jeff motioned to increase the insurance as advised, John seconded that motion and all else were in favor. George also recommended we revue the insurance on our vehicles to determine for which ones we want collision insurance and which ones only need liability. Mary Esther asked George to check the existing policies so we have a clearer view and which vehicles have what coverage.

f. Board Member Reports:

Mary Esther: Historical Department has agreed to put blacktop in front of the chapel, which will help with a lot of things including water drainage issues there. * Mary Esther asked about whether or not to publish EMT’s names and phone numbers just in case of emergency. The decision was to not for reasons of time and also liability. If there is an emergency, people should call 911 to activate the emergency response system, which will call out all Pine Valley EMTs and also Enterprise and the sheriffs. The EMTs on their own are not allowed to diagnose and give advice as to whether something is “serious enough” or not. The EMT’s are trained as pre-hospital emergency responders, and are not doctors for diagnosis or advice. * The cows are back. *  Jamie Udell will come to the next meeting to share her Miss Rodeo Utah speech.

John: We appreciate Wendell Gubler and Gerald for helping to fix the road in front of the Brandin’ Iron, as well as clean up of the twigs, etc. * The campground is also restoring some of their roads. Over the Memorial Day weekend, the campgrounds had problems with the waterlines, so instead of closing the campgrounds, they were sending all the campers to the Fire Station to fill up their water.  We do not believe this should have been done. That is a lot of campers because of the holiday weekend, which made for lots of traffic around the fire station which could have been a problem in an emergency. On the flip side, it would have been difficult for the campgrounds to close since there were already campers there when the problem occurred. * Dave Ford noticed during the month that there was a dump truck dumping its contents at out garbage dump. Gerald and Dave ran back and caught the guy who told them that the Forestry Department had told him to dump there. The guy was someone working up at the summer homes. He wasn’t using the dumpsters, but was instead dumping by the bushes. Gerald directed him to dump at the Central Station. Sharron Northington will call Washington County Solid Waste to see about pick-ups.

Jeff: There are still bumps in the road. He talked to Wendell who said the problem is caused by property owners who cover up the culverts. Maybe it is debris that is actually washing down and causing the bloackage. Mary Esther will call Ryon Gardner to see if he knows anything.

Dall: Absent

Spence: Absent


g. Fire Chief – Gerald (see report). Too many EMT calls this months. The firemen are doing a great job of helping the EMTs. The CPR classes that were held in Pine Valley have been a big help during emergencies. * There will be a meeting for the Red Butte Project in St. George on the 30th regarding the power line they want to run through Pine Valley. There will be another on the 29th in Enterprise. * Kudos and thanks for Johnnie Nichols for his years of service as the Assistant Fire Chief. He is stepping down due to the health of Linda. Steve Shakespeare is now going to step up to fill the position in John’s place. * Our valley is not conducive to a Neighborhood Watch Program because most of the residents live too far away from each other. * Gerald asked for Internet to be installed at the Fire Station. Jeff motioned to okay the $40.00 monthly cost. John seconded that motion – all were in favor.


h. Treasurer Report – George (see report).  Financial statements for 2010 are now in the States hands. DONE!


2 –   Public Comments: N/A


John moved to adjourn at 7:10.  All were in favor. The next Board meeting will be held on Wednesday, July 6, 2011 at 6:00 P.M.