Pine Valley Special Services District Meeting on July 6, 2016 at 6:00 pm
Attending Board Members: Mary Esther Putman, Dall Winn, John Nichols and Allen Cannon
Also Present: Rick Peetz, Treasurer; Gerald Schiefer, Fire Chiel; Rachel Carignan, Acting Secretary
Absent: Herman Nordbruch
Guest: Frank Davie, Laurett Winterton, Guin Winn, Bruce Bergeson, Ford Northington and Ray Lindblom
Mary Esther Putman called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm, and John Nichols led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Meeting Minutes
Minutes of the Meeting for June 1, 2016 were read by each Board Member. Corrections were noted and Dall motioned to accept the Minutes with corrections. John seconded the motion and all else were in favor.
Building Permits to Review
There were no new Permits, but Rick mentioned he had received the $2500 from last month’s Building Permit for Mark and Shelly Breinholt located in the Truman Subdivision, #4, and represented by Mr. Steve Van Cleve Construction.
A discussion followed concerning the termination of the Secretary of the Board. Allen along with Mary Esther will follow up on this during the month.
Board Member Reports
John wanted to thank all the firemen in the Valley for working so hard and many hours during the fires. He also wanted to thank Joe Rechsteiner from the Dixie National Forest for his help with clear cutting during the fires. John also mentioned as no one at this time was in charge of the roads, he would like to take over the job and everyone agreed.
Dall mentioned the roads have been worked on in the West end of town. He will check with Justin Evans as to the progress on fixing some of the fire hydrants.
Mary Esther asked about the status of the fire hydrants and do we have a sufficient number of them. Gerald said we did have the number we should have.
Fire Chief: Gerald gave us a copy of the Chief’s Report 6 July 2016. He asked Laurett to comment on the EMT call outs. She talked about the 4 call outs they had. Rick talked about the fire truck accident after the deer hit the truck. It is now fixed. He mentioned we would be looking at the insurance contracts in October.
Treasurer Report: Rick Peetz read and explained the “Balance Sheet” dated June 30, 2016, the “Profit & Loss Sheet” dated June 2016, the “Profit & Loss Detail” dated June 2016 and the “Profit and Loss Budget vs. Actual” dated January through June 2016.
Dall motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:00. Allen seconded and all in favor.
The next scheduled PVSSD meeting will be Aug. 3, 2016 at 6:00 pm.