Attending Members: Mary Esther Putnam (Chair); Dall Winn; John Nichols; Spence Beckstrom
Also Present: Gerald Schiefer (Fire Chief); George Cropper (Treasurer)
Absent: Jeff Gardner and Beverly Udell (Secretary)
Guests: Fred Pendleton; Gene Phillips; Steve Shakespeare;
General Business:
Mary Esther called meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Welcomed residents. Excused are Jeff Gardner and Beverly Udell. Dall led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mary Esther reported that the impact fee for a building permit already approved has been received from Mr. Nagy. Mark Balen said the impact fee of $360 for his 720 sq ft garage is in the mail. Someone inquired who is building across the Valley. Response: Mr. Hannik.
Board Member Reports
Dall Winn: N/A
Mary Esther: Referenced a letter dated Feb 7, 2009, from Pine Valley to the Pine Valley Irrigation Company regarding fire hydrants and pipelines in Pine Valley and their maintenance. Discussion followed regarding hydrants, pipelines subdivision responsibilities, etc. These issues need to be clarified and defined with Pine Valley Irrigation. Spence said hydrants are the responsibility of Pine Valley and pipelines are the responsibility of Pine Valley Irrigation. He said that a letter should be prepared that is comprehensive to include the number of hydrants in the valley and outline responsibilities of both parties concerning leaks, repairs and expenses. Spence will prepare a letter for Board review. Gerald said that currently there are 79 hydrants in the Valley and hydrants are supposed to be within 250 feet of any home. Dall said that the stipulation of a hydrant within 250 ft of home needs to be put on plans. Steve said that the homes in his subdivision are all within the 250 ft designation. Gene said that he understands that Pine Valley can get 1 or 2 hydrants per year and asked if one per year could be put in until we are caught up. Gerald there has been only two structural fires in 30 years and so this effort has not been high on the priority list. However, Gerald and Steve Shakespeare will get together and determine where hydrants are furthest from existing homes and report at next meeting. John said we want Pine Valley brought up to code but want the water company to know what we are doing as water needs to be run to hydrants. We want the letter we send to state that Pine Valley will only be responsible for the hydrant. Steve said hydrants are typically located 5 to 10 ft from the water line. George suggested that the letter we send should define hydrant, state that Pine Valley does some pipe to existing water line. The content of the letter is very important. Pine Valley needs to keep veto option. Gerald speculated that these issues will require some time to negotiate. Spence stated that the letter will define Pine Valley positions.
John: Brought up the subject of maintenance of the dump and thanked Ford Northington and Ray Lindbloom for their efforts to keep things neat. * John Nichols noted that both foot and vehicular traffic will most likely increase along Main Street during the summer season and suggested we consider a side path like the forestry trail which seems to be very popular with Valley residents. Also, there are concerns about safety of people walking abreast down Main Street and the real possibility of an accident. Laurette said that, as an avid jogger, she thinks it would be very nice to have a path. Gerald stated that the average speed of a car passing the Fire Station is 45 MPH. Kirk added that we need to keep in mind that this is a country road and we would have to go through Ron Whitehead for any such decision. There is money available if we want to do a trail. Dall remarked that in the Snow Canyon area on the way to St. George, a bike path is in and runners and bicyclists don’t use it; they use the side of the road. Fred said that the road from Main Street at Grass Valley through the canyon is actually a Forest Road. Steve suggested we look at the possibility of just widening the road. John said that Dall is correct in noting that users have chosen to be on the highway, not the designated path. Gunlock is another example of people/cyclists using the middle of the road. Spence remarked that another issue is the fences all over the place and the property owners of that land.
Fire Chief Report: Gerald submitted written report (attached) of incidences responded to by the Pine Valley Fire Dept. during the month of June and early July. Small fire on back side of Gardner Park caused by lightning strike; brought in airplanes and helicopters to squelch.
Highlights of report include the following: Rescued new fawn trapped in fenced yard; Camper chopping wood injured his chin; Cabin of a Las Vegas owner on the west end of the valley was burglarized; Bevan Kilpack has retired; he will be missed, notes at bottom of Report regarding issues of “insubordination” and “conflict”. Dall Winn and Gerald will meet for follow-up on concerns. * Remarked that the July 4 Celebration was very enjoyable and that the talk by St. George Mayor McArthur was excellent. * Laurette and Gerald met with new Enterprise Fire Chief Cameron Hawkins. Gerald thinks he is doing a fine job.
Treasurer Report: George Cropper See attached report. * George mentioned that the Board may want to consider lowering fees for a year or two. Asked if we can lower the fee without going through a public hearing. Mary Ester Putnam stated that the account has more than a 20% cash reserve. Gerald said that he is looking for another truck for the Fire Dept. It was agreed that further discussion by the Board is needed on this topic. * George mentioned that the bill for the new compressor, $487.69 will be paid this evening. * Dall mentioned that Gerald has incurred personal expenses for training and other activities associated with his duties and that he should be reimbursed * George agreed that Gerald should be reimbursed for such expenses. * Made a motion that Gerald be provided a vehicle to be maintained at his home for use in his official capacity for all the duties that he performs. John Nichols seconded the motion. Dall said this issue should be brought up by the Board at a later date.
Citizen Requests: Gene questioned the condition of the pump house and mill wheel in the east end of the Valley saying that it looks like a dumping spot for odd pipes and equipment. Asked who is responsible for its maintenance? * Ford suggested that fees should probably remain the same in view of all the things that are needed to be done in the Valley.
John made motion to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 7:05 p.m.