Pine Valley Special Service District Meeting (PVSSD): Minutes of the Meeting held On January 13, 2010

Attending Members: Mary Esther Putnam (Chair); Dall Winn; Spence Beckstrom; John Nichols

Also Present: George Cropper (Treasurer); Beverly Udell (Secretary)

Guests:  N/A

Absent: Jeff Gardner; Gerald Schiefer (Fire Chief)



1.  General Business:

a/b. Welcome – Meeting was opened by Mary Esther (Chair) at 5:04 PM and the Pledge of Allegiance was said.

c. Minutes from December 2, 2009 The minutes were read by each Board member.  John motioned to approve the minutes as written.  Dall seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

d. Pine Valley Building Permits Reviewed:  N/A 

f. Board Member Reports:

Mary Esther: Dall and Spence have been reinstated for another term on the Board.

John:  The Forestry Dept will be doing a prescribed burn soon.  They have not built a sledding hill yet.

Dall:  N/A

Jeff: N/A

Spence: The County is going to come back to redo the road leading in from Central to Pine Valley. * The County is talking about putting together a special service district for the purpose of paving the roads.  Spence will have more details during the next meeting to act on it we want.  * On February 3 at 5:00, we will have a vote for the possible raising of our Impact Fee structure.  $2500 for new construction, .50 cents up to $750 on detached buildings.  If voted in, it will come into effect 90 days after the vote.  We average about 9 impact fees per year, which if that stayed consistent, the increase would pay for the building payment. The proper notices for the hearing and vote have all been posted (plus the summary of the analysis of Impact Fees and proposed resolution.)

g. Fire Chief – Gerald (see report). In 2009, we had 63 callouts – which was double what we had in 2008. * Jamie Udell found us a great price on a 12-lead AED, which save us a ton of money.

h. Treasurer Report – George (see report).  Late fee check came in from the County.  With the Impact Fee money that we have collected, we can pay our loan payment.  We readjusted the insurance on the building to be $500,000 for the structure and $65,000 for contents.


2 –   Public Comments: N/A


Spence moved to adjourn at 5:55.  Dall seconded the motion. All were in favor.

The next Board meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 3, 2010 at 5:00 P.M.