Attending Members: Mary Esther Putnam (Chair); Spence Beckstrom; Jeff Gardner; John Nichols
Also Present: Gerald Schiefer (Fire Chief); George Cropper (Treasurer); Beverly Udell (Secretary)
Absent: Dall Winn
Guests: Fred Pendleton, Michael Sthultz, Ford Northington, Sharron Northington, Mason Snow, Tamara Phillips, Gene Philips
1. General Business:
a/b. Welcome – Meeting was opened by Mary Esther (Chair) at 6:00
c. Minutes for November 7, and December 5, 2011 were reviewed by each Board member. Spence motioned for the approval of both sets of minutes, as written. John seconded that motion and all were in favor.
Pine Valley Building Permits Reviewed: N/A
d. Sharron reported that while we thought that Bryce Christensen cleaned up our dump as an act of volunteerism, she found out from County that he was actually paid $2500 by them to perform this service. She said that we have now been warned that if we do not get a handle on dump situation and mess, that our monthly bills will be increased.
e. Board Member Reports -
Dall: N/A
Mary Esther: Keeps getting notices for the “Pine Valley Utah” web site domain name bill. She will give the bill to George. * The letter for 2011 delinquent bills was approved by Mary Esther. Beverly will be mailing that out.
Spence: Regarding possible surveillance cameras in the Valley in light of the recent rash of crimes – Spence suggested to Commissioner Eardley that a choice spot would be cameras coming into town, possibly at the intersection of Pine Valley Rd. and Main St. Maybe we should also add one at the dump. * Spence confirmed that the Park & Recreation authorization is still in place for the PVSSD.
Jeff: N/A
John: John shared that in California, state vehicles and farmers were allowed to use “red fuel”. John was wondering if that would be something that could be used in our diesel fire trucks. There is not tax on that fuel, so it would be cheaper. We currently have five trucks that are diesel. John will investigate the possibility further and report back. * Hunting season is now over, so he is concerned about shooting in the valley for Coyotes that he feels has been occurring in the middle of the night in Pine Valley. John has heard callers and then has seen vehicles leave right afterward.
f. Fire Chief – Gerald (see report). Gene Phillips is the new CERT leader. Massive progress is already being made in that area by Gene. Gene feels it is imperative to move quickly. He has a meeting already set with block captains. He tried to pick block captains who were people not already involved in the fire station (thinking that firemen and EMTs would be very busy during an emergency.) The County is also getting much more organized and update in the area of CERT than they were a few years ago. We need to get an SOP to the County. The four block areas are under the captains of 1) Kirk Smith and the Northingtons, 2) The Jennings and the Christensen’s, 3) Richard McArthur and LuAnn Pickett and 4) Jeff Gardner and Dennis O’Rourke. They are having all Pine Valley property owners fill out forms for updating contact information, as well as letting us know what kinds of tools or expertise anyone might have we could tap into during an emergency. The CERT team now also has their own official mailbox in the Post Office to secure the information as letters come back in. * Gerald also provided the Firemen’s training schedule for 2012. * There have been six break-ins to houses recently – all have been part-time homes. We need to be much more vigilant and less trusting. We need to watch out for our neighbors. We have 390 homes in the Valley that do not have someone living in them. We need to suggest motion detector lights, televisions that automatically turn on, etc.
g. Treasurer Report – George (see report). George also confirmed to Spence that Impact Fee money does go directly towards payments on the building loan.
2 – Public Comments: Chris Nordbruch was in the audience to gain information for his Citizen Badge. * Mason was concerned about us putting about surveillance cameras and that possibly being an infringement on privacy. Sharron said that she asked Neal about using a surveillance camera at the dump and was told that if someone was caught on camera doing an infraction at the dump, it would be a very low priority for law enforcement – there are much bigger criminals out there.
John moved to adjourn at 6:55 p.m. All were in favor.
The next Board meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 1, 2012 at 6:00 P.M.