Pine Valley Special Service District Meeting (PVSSD): Minutes of the Meeting held On February 8, 2012

Attending Members: Mary Esther Putnam (Chair); Spence Beckstrom; John Nichols; Dall Winn

Also Present: Gerald Schiefer (Fire Chief); George Cropper (Treasurer); Beverly Udell (Secretary)

Absent: Jeff Gardner

Guests: Fred Pendleton; Sharron Northington; Fermin Esparza; Violet Esparza; Dave Codding


1.  General Business:

a/b. Welcome – Meeting was opened by Mary Esther (Chair) at 6:00

c. Minutes for January 11, 2012 were reviewed by each Board member. Dall motioned for the approval of both sets of minutes, as written. Spence seconded that motion and all were in favor.

Pine Valley Building Permits Reviewed:  N/A


d. Board Member Reports -

Dall: Dall asked about conditions at the garbage dump. Sharon said that she calls when pick-up is needed. There is not a big limb mess on the ground yet. In the future, we will add Sharon to the agenda to report the dump site each month. Sharon proposed a draft notice to be placed in the annual fee letter. She will also ask Neil when the chipper will be available.

Mary Esther:  Someone had spoken to Mary Esther (and also to Gerald at a different time) about a pack of dogs that are running free up by Lloyd Canyon. These are neighborhood dogs, but when they get together they get the “pack mentality” and reak havoc around the neighborhood. It has been a problem repeatedly. Is there anything that we can do? This is a law violation. They chase both deer and cattle, as well as neighborhood cats.  One of the owners of the dogs have already been given an $800 ticket from animal control, but the dogs still run free. * Feral cats are also becoming a problem. The County does not have an Animal Control department, but the City of St. George does. If nothing is done, the cats could be trapped. * Sun First Bank is now Cache Valley Bank, so the bank name on our account there has changed.

Spence: Spence requested that maybe some money could be spent to put up the broken post at the beginning of town. George reminded everyone that we can only spend money on fire related issues. Gerald said that since that particular post is where he hangs the fire signs, it would indeed fall under the category of a “fire” related item.

Jeff: N/A

John: John reported that he received a building permit request for the home of Roland Griffin. It is of concern to John because of the height and the grade. The building would be placed on stilts, with blocks and reinforcements. Mary Esther will get the information on the property to Beverly. John suggests putting off signing on it until we can get some answers on the stilts. John will call Kirk.


e. Fire Chief – Gerald (see report). Gerald told about the passing of Jeff Dial, who was the 911 manager. He is being mourned and will truly be missed. He was only 55 years old. * The PVSSD has received a $10,000 donation. Gerald is requesting that $6000 of that be put towards extrication gear.

f. Treasurer Report – George (see report). George spends part of his time in St. George (and usually has the PVSSD files with him), so he has left his emergency contact information with his daughter just incase something happens to him, thereby allowing PVSSD to get to the computer and files.


2 –   Public Comments: Vi asked about the usage of our new microphones. It was explained that they are required by law to record the meetings.


John moved to adjourn at 6:45 p.m. All were in favor. The next Board meeting will be held on Wednesday, Match 7, 2012 at 6:00 P.M.