Pine Valley Special Service District Meeting (PVSSD): Minutes of the Meeting held On February 3, 2010

Attending Members: Mary Esther Putnam (Chair); John Nichols; Dall Winn; Spence Beckstrom; Jeff Gardner

Also Present: George Cropper (Treasurer);

Guests:  Fred Pendleton; Lee Snow; Dave Patterson (County Attorney); Fermin Esparza; Vi Esparza

Absent: Gerald Schiefer (Fire Chief); Beverly Udell (Secretary)



1.  General Business:

a/b. Welcome – Meeting was opened by Mary Esther (Chair) at 5:00 PM and the Pledge of Allegiance was said.

c. Open Public Hearing on Impact Fees:  Mary Esther read the proposed changes to the Impact Fee regulations.  Spence mentioned that the necessary notices were published in the Spectrum newspaper and also were posted in three places within Pine Valley.  Appropriate copies and the summary of the analysis were sent to the required businesses who were invited to attend the hearing and/or submit comments.  No comments were received from these notices. * The floor was opened to public comments from the audience regarding the Impact Fee proposal.  Lee Snow as if the fees applied only to new construction and how would all of this relate to the $150 annual PVSSD fee that are required of all property owners? He was told that the Impact Fees only can be put towards capital improvements and the annual maintenance fees are put towards all of the other expenses related to the fire department.  The annual $150 fee structure will not change at this time.  Lee then asked what would happen once the building is paid off.  Dave Patterson answered that if there were excess funds left over, then they must be refunded or the PVSSD could consider if there were new or other capital improvements that the funds should be directed towards besides paying for the existing building.  Mary Esther added that after six years, the funds would be refunded.  Lee said that in the city of Hurricane, some builders paid very high fees, but then the fees were lowered and recent builders now pay much less.  Dave told him that there are possible other things to take into consideration for the future are possible sewer and water services, which currently are inactive services for PVSSD.  Lee and Dave continued their discussion on the issue of the water, and how the PVSSD actually has the authority to provide those types of services, but currently that is not needed because those services are being provided by other entities.  Right now the PVSSD is only funded for fire protection and recreation. “Water” is a dormant power that is not being activated by the PVSSD.  Mary Esther asked if there were any other comments from the audience, but there were none.  Dall asked Dave if all special service districts were set up exactly the same with respect to the services that they provide, to which Dave answered that each district was different. * Spence moved to adopt the Impact Fee resolution as it was posted and read, dated February 3, 2010.  Dall seconded the motion.  All else voted in favor of.  The new resolution will be effective 90 days from February 3, 2010. * The Board expressed their thanks to Dave for his help, to which Dave responded that this is a “Model Board that is very well run!”

d. Pine Valley Building Permits Reviewed:  N/A 

f. Board Member Reports:

Mary Esther: Mary Esther asked Fred about how to upgrade the Pine Valley web site.  Fred told her that she needed to get with Vicki Frei.  Fred suggested that we should offer to pay Vicki because up to this point she has been doing it on a volunteer basis.  If we don’t pay Vicki, we will need to pay someone else.  Mary Esther said that she would contact Vicki.

John:  May talk to Bevan about closing the campground areas and area by the reservoir in the non-summer months.  It is a problem for medical calls and illicit behaviors.

Dall:  Dall discussed the situation we have with cattle roaming the streets.  He will meet with the Forest Service to discuss what can be done with the fencing along Forest land and what it would take to get that repaired.  We may have to repair the fencing around the town.  Fred will provide comments that came in on the survey from a few years ago regarding how the property owners are feeling about the cows.  Lee said that every permit holder has certain section of fence around the town that they are responsible to maintain under their agreement with the Forest Service.  The Forest Service has some fence on the south side that is their fence, but we don’t know who maintains it. Fermin mentioned that the cattle problems seem to be worse in the late summer and fall. Dall and Spence will research it further and meet with Bevan Killpack from the Forestry Dept.

Jeff: N/A Jeff joined the meeting at 5:25.

Spence: N/A

g. Fire Chief – Gerald (see report and training schedule). Spoke about updating the Fire Plan.  Fred suggested that there is a lot of information thru the LDS Church with area, maps and addresses.  Talk ensued regarding fire risks.


h. Treasurer Report – George (see report).


2 –   Public Comments: N/A


Spence moved to adjourn at 5:45.  Dall seconded the motion. All were in favor.

The next Board meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 3, 2010 at 5:00 P.M.