Attending Members: Mary Esther Putnam (Chair); Dall Winn; John Nichols; Jeff Gardner
Also Present: Gerald Schiefer (Fire Chief); George Cropper (Treasurer); Beverly Udell (Secretary)
Absent: Spence Beckstrom
Guests: Gene Phillips; Dallin Nielsen; Helga Love; Ray Lindblom; Frank Davie; Sharon Northington; Kirk Smith;
Violet Esparza; Guin Winn; Ford Northington; Fermin Esparza
General Business:
Mary Esther called meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Welcomed residents. Due to Fred’s absence, this meeting was not audio recorded. Dall led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Minutes: Minutes for the meetings of June and July, 2013, were read by the Board members. Dall motioned to approve both sets of Minutes as written. Jeff seconded that motion, and all else were in favor.
Board Member Reports:
Dall Winn: N/A
Mary Esther: Spence was absent, but gave a memorandum to Mary Esther for the Board to revue regarding the Pine Valley Irrigation Co. * We seem to have a bit of a gray area in regards to our impact fee structure and home remodels and/or additions to an existing home. She mentioned the Romney home as an example. Are rules for this on the latest addition of the fee bylaws? Mary Esther will check and report back next month.
Jeff: The County did a great job of road resurfacing on Pine Valley Rd. between Central and Pine Valley.
John: N/A
Fire Chief Report: Gerald – See report *The campground is giving out brochures that say “plenty of firewood available”, which Gerald feels is sending out mixed messages about fire restrictions. As of Saturday, we can now have fires in pits and also the use of briquettes, but Gerald feels that the State restrictions might be reinstated because of how dry Utah is. Kirk Smith said that if fires have now been okayed, we should remove the signage stating that fires are not allowed. Since the signs might be needed again soon, Sharon offered to make slip covers for the signs, instead of going through the trouble of taking them down and then having to put them right back up again.
Treasurer Report: George – See attached report.
Citizen Requests:
Gene Phillips again brought up the subject of the mess by the water wheel – it is the responsibility of the Pine Valley Irrigation Co. to clean it up. * Gene also wanted to thank everyone for their participation in CERT. They have gained a lot of new sign-ups, mostly due to a CERT booth that displayed on the activities of the 4th of July, 24th of July, and Heritage Days. They will again have a table at the town dinner on August 17th. CERT is making great strides in Pine Valley. Beverly added a great notice to the Dinner Letter about the Blog. Gene also informed the Board and audience that there is a CERT meeting on August 21st at 6:30, which will teach about fire safety and disaster preparedness.
Frank Davie stated that he had a resident complain to him about the mess at the water wheel and what an eyesore it is.
Ray wondered if a notice can be placed in the Blog asking people not to hide their limbs and branches behind the dumpsters. They are hard to get to for clean-up when thrown on the ground behind the dumpsters. Can we post signs about the dump rules on the drive leading into the dump instead of the signage being behind the dumpsters as they are now where no one reads them? Ford spoke with Neil who agreed that the signs need to be moved. * In the Spring we can get ‘recycle’ bins. * Ford also made mention of the flooding that always seems to occur at the intersection of Main Street and the Brandin’ Iron, and asked what can be done about it. Mary Esther suggested that Jeff cal Wendell to address that issue.
Steve Shakespeare made a report of where fire hydrants are needed in the Valley – this is a follow-up from last months meeting. He identified several needs on Lloyd Canyon. George reminded the Board that if we decide to add more hydrants, we would have to get at least three bids in order to comply with State procurement laws.
Guin asked if another paragraph could be added to the PV Irrigation memorandum holding them accountable for also maintaining their buildings? Mary Esther suggested that she should start with a phone call to express the feelings of the town.
Jeff made motion to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 6:50 p.m.