Attending Members: Mary Esther Putnam, Chairwoman; Dall Winn (Vice Chair); Herman Nordbruch
Also Present: George Cropper, Treasurer
Beverly Udell, Secretary
Absent: Jeff Gardner; John Nichols; Gerald Schiefer, Fire Chief
Guests Gene Phillips, Ray Lindblom; Douglas Nielson, Julia Nielson,
Steve Shakespeare, Robin Hansen
General Business: The August meeting was delayed one week – being held on August 13 instead of August 6. Dall opened the meeting at 6:00 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Meeting Minutes: Minutes from the July 2, 2014 meeting were reviewed by each Board member. Dall motioned to approve the Minutes as written, Mary Esther seconded the motion, and all else were in favor.
Building Permits: 1) New home approval for Doug and Julie Nielson. A fire hydrant has been placed on the corner of the property. The Impact Fee has been paid. 2) Home addition to the Worthington property.
Board Member Reports:
Mary Esther:
Dall: Shared a ‘memorandum of understanding’ to resolve our differences with the Pine Valley Irrigation Company over the replacement fire hydrants and the $27,000 bill they presented to us to pay for said hydrants. We had previously sent them a letter asking for better communication from them in the future BEFORE this type of work gets done, and this memo was their response. Steve felt what they were asking was normal wording. They said that the hydrants (and the valve to shut off the hydrant), plus the pipe in between was the responsibly of the PVSSD. The pipe leading to the hydrant would be the responsibility of the Irrigation Co. Dall was questioning the wording of the last paragraph in their letter which discussed a “timely manner” and he felt that was too vague. Dall would feel better with a statement of a “prior notice by date” time frame. Beverly asked if the Irrigation Co. was required to garner 3 bids for such work like we are. George said in the future the Irrigation Co. won’t be placing any more hydrants, as that would be the responsibility of a new home builder. Beverly agreed, but then stated that in the case we are dealing with now, it wasn’t hydrants for a new home, they were replacement hydrants that were placed when the Irrigation Co updated their pipes for the town water system. That could happen again in the future. Dall is going to re-word the memo and send it back to the Irrigation Co. for revue.
Jeff: Absent
John: Absent
Beverly: There is a gentleman who has property in Pine Valley and who is also on a Board that conserves properties throughout the area. One of their current focuses are the meadows areas of Pine Valley. He asked on behalf of his organization if they could have our mailing list in order to let people know about their efforts and also about an upcoming meeting. The PVSSD Board discussed this and while the information and meeting is concerning Pine Valley, we did not feel that legally we were able to give out the private personal information about our property owners, nor did we have the resources to do the mailing for them. Beverly had already explained that our own next mailing would not be until April 2015. Beverly will call him back and share the decision of our Board. (Note: This was call was completed by Bev the day following the PVSSD meeting. She offered instead to pass out flyers at the annual Pine Valley Dinner and to also post flyers around the area for them.) * Steve Shakespeare asked if in regards to any PVSSD mailings, if it wouldn’t be more cost effective to e-mail them out instead of using the postal service. Beverly explained that while we do ask for e-mail addresses on everyone, people do not always give them. E-mail addresses also change very frequently. And because we have such a senior population, not everyone has e-mail.
Herman: Gave an update on his findings regarding the Irrigation Company. He called the State looking for a ‘Customer Confidence Report (CCR) for the PV Irrigation Company, but the State could not immediately pull one up for Herman. The Irrigation Company is required by law to send a copy of the CCR to every customer annually. Herman also said that drinking water is supposed to be monitored every quarter (we have confidence that it is being done.)
Fire Chief Report: Gerald was absent, but his written report was present to the Board.
Treasurer Report: George Cropper provided Profit & Loss Statement for the month of July 2014.
(Copy attached)
Citizen Comments: Gene has asked last month if it is possible to reimburse Ray for some gas because he is doing so much cleanup work as a volunteer at the dump and using his own gas to do that. We can’t because the dump is not in our coverage area, but maybe it could be a suggestion for the Dinner Committee (it was.) Ray tonight said that he and his wife have discussed the gas money and they would like to make that as their donation to the Valley. * Gene presented a copy of the wordage (according to Neal) for a new sign to be placed at the dump.
Mary Esther motioned to close the meeting at 6:58.
The next scheduled PVSSD meeting will be on Wednesday, September 3, 2014, at 6:00 p.m.