Pine Valley Special Service District Meeting (PVSSD): Minutes of the Meeting held On April 4, 2007

Attending Members: Mary Esther Putnam (Chair); Gerald Schiefer (VC); Dall Winn; Spencer Beckstrom; Ron Snow

Also Present: Steve Robinson (Fire Chief); George Cropper (Treasurer) and Beverly Udell (Secretary)

Guests: Guin Winn; Dorrel Booth; Helga Love; (Visiting Boy Scouts: Cody Timmons, Jacob Hansen, Mike Nobis); John Nichols


1.  General Business:

a/b. Welcome – The meeting was called to order at 6:00 P.M. with the opening being the Pledge of Allegiance.

c. Minutes:  Minutes from Feb. 7, 2007 and March 7, 2007 were both read by Mary Esther.  Both sets were motioned for approval (after the correction of typos) by Gerald and seconded by Ron.  All were in favor.

d. Pine Valley Building Permits Reviewed:  1) Daryl Larkin – Someone from the Board will get the address for Beverly.

e.  Board Member Reports:

Mary Esther:  Welcomed the Boy Scouts from the Green Valley area who are working on their citizenship badge.  *  The OHV signs in Pine Valley will be removed tomorrow. * A few members from the Special Service District spoke with the Commissioners, Dave Patterson and a few of the Planning Commission, in an informal meeting about ½ hour prior to this meeting.  Mary Esther told them about the continuing problems that are faced in Pine Valley because of the OHVs.  In other areas where they have opened whole towns for OHVs, safety tickets increased by 300%.  At the April 16 hearing, the Commissioners are looking to open up Pine Valley to OHVs driving on the streets as well, but road worthy only as obeyable to all street signs including the 25 mph speeds.  The deputy will then blitz the area more heavily on heavy weekends.  They can stop OHV riders for probable cause – checking for safety registrations, out of state use permits and driver’s licenses.    Commissioner Eardley told the Sheriff not to be nice about just giving warnings, but if someone is breaking the law, they should get a citation.  Gerald had asked about getting 15 mph signs posted at least on the dirt streets to try to help the dust situation.  Dorrel shared concerns of the OHV traffic up around the Lions Lodge.  Spence said we would need to come up with about $11,000 to start law enforcement.  Steve said that 5 years ago, over 50 people from Pine Valley went to the Commissioners and talked to them about the damage caused by the 4-wheelers, but the Commissioners went the opposite direction by putting up the signs saying that driving OHVs was okay in Pine Valley.  We are not set up for this as a community.  Duck Creek is a nightmare because they opened that area up to OHVs. They continue to have accidents, etc. Beverly told how her brother moved out of Duck Creek because he couldn’t stand all of the constant OHV noise.  Steve said to open up Pine Valley is just asking for a death.  We are 45 minutes from the nearest hospital, even longer when you consider the time it takes for the ambulance to get up here (another 30 minutes minimum.)  Spence wondered if it was time to think about incorporating Pine Valley, but Gerald added that incorporating might bring an even bigger problem because then we would have to handle all of the enforcement ourselves.  It was asked what services we actually are getting from the County – we currently pay for all of our own trash pick-up, the fire department and now we also will have to start paying for a constable too.  Dorrel said he feels that the County loves Pine Valley until we stand up to them for something.  The 4-wheelers should be a County problem, not one that the Special Service District will be forced to handle.  Diamond Valley has made an application towards township, but Apple Valley has become a nightmare because of funding issues with being their own town.  Gerald showed a map of Pine Valley and explained that in just the last 2 years the amount of fulltime residents has literally doubled.  Mike Nobis (property owner) said that he sees both side of the ATV problem because he is an ATV owner, yet last weekend he had 12-15 ATV riders at his place.  Guin voiced how bad it was in front of


their house.  Spence asked if we thought the County might be willing to pave some of the roads to help alleviate the dust caused by OHVs.

Gerald: Regarding the pavilion – he had a discussion with both the Commission and the Forestry Department.  Both are anxious to see the pavilion go forward as long as we pay for it J.  The Forest Service proposed maintenance free type of outhouse facilities, which they will be happy to come up with the plans for.  Gerald plans to go around to people from Pine Valley to get ideas on what the residents might want. * We were going to take out the lumber from the fire breaks in the fall, but the environmentalists have stopped that for the whole area.

Ron: There still are not any barriers placed at Dead Man’s curve


f. Treasurer’s Report – George turned in 5 bills for the month.


g. Fire Chief’s Report – Steve: There were not any fire callouts for March. There were two EMS callouts. * Steve turned in four outstanding invoices from Weidner Fire Supply, which were from last year’s grant and fire truck.  They are asking that we investigate what happened to them.  Gerald suggested that Steve, Dall and George work together to find out what happened.  * FEMA grant is now open.  We intend on submitting again for Extrication equipment and 7 seven sets of the 2007 new standard SCBAs.  The total grant request will be over $71,000, of which our participation (if awarded) will be 5% ($3,500.), and is included in this year’s budget. * We have received our delivery of foam, which should be about a 3 year supply.  * We have placed an order, as approved, for the hose, connections and bale valves, which should be arriving within a few weeks.  *  The Washington County Fire Chief’s meeting last night, along with the mayors of Washington County, discussed the billings being sent to the cities of St. George, Ivins, Hurricane and Leeds.  The bills amount to over $380,000. for fires in 2005 & 2006, of which the State of Utah is now trying to “capture” back from the cities for the State’s participation in using equipment provided by the State for fires.  The issue of payment, legal responsibility, and whether the cities will be forced to pay for them is still in the air, including House Bill 146 and its requirements.  This will continue to be an issue for discussion and further legal challenge.  * Washington County submitted a draft form of the new Mutual Aid Agreement for the cities, townships and special service districts.  They are asking for review, comments, and that the agreements be ready to be entered in to within a three month window. All previous agreements are expired.  The County Attorney, along with a committee formed of fire chiefs, EMS responders and the sheriff, was formed to determine a new agreement.  Steve asked that the Board review the draft and have one member of our Board bring any comments to Dave Patterson by the first of May.  *  The PVFD will be conducting trainings on Wednesdays, for the balance of our volunteers who have not yet received their training on Engine 142.  This will extend for 6 weeks into May.  *  Regular training is on the second Saturday (9:00 am for April, changing to 8:00 am in May), with the second monthly training day being on the 4th Thursday at 6:00.  *  Fire season (no burn) may be moved up to May 1st (versus June 1st), due to the lack of moisture throughout Washington County.  *  Steve turned in an invoice for Cascade Magazine and has asked that he be able to receive the subscription with the monies for it being taken out of the training budget.  Dall motioned to pay for the 3 year subscription.  Ron seconded it and all were is favor. *  The St. George Flood Committee (volunteer) had $50,000 left and want to use it to purchase trash pumps and hoses for each fire department in Washington County.  This amounts to a $3,500 gift!  *  The new Washington County Fire Warden, as of 4-15, is Shawn Jaca.  *  The State Fire Marshall and the Sheriff’s Office will issue citations for burning violations in Washington County.  In order to burn in Pine Valley, someone MUST have a written burn permit, issued by Steve, George or Gerald.  A legal fire pit has a 10 foot parameter, plus brick or rock.  Also on hand must be a fire extinguisher or water source.


2 –   Public Comments – The Boy Scouts love community service projects, so if anyone knows of anything they should contact Mike Nobis.


At 7:10 PM, Dall moved for the meeting to adjourn.  Gerald seconded.


The next Board meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 2, 2007 at 6:00 P.M.