Attending Members: Mary Esther Putnam (Chair); Dall Winn; Jeff Gardner; John Nichols
Also Present: Gerald Schiefer (Fire Chief); George Cropper (Treasurer); Beverly Udell (Secretary)
Absent: Spence Beckstrom
Guests: Fred Pendleton; Fermin Esparza; Gene Phillips; Laurett Winterton, Violet Esparza; Guin Winn;
Ford Northington
1. General Business:
a/b. Welcome – Meeting was opened by Dall Winn at 6:00 p.m. and the Pledge was led by Jeff.
c. Minutes: Minutes from the March 6, 2013 were read by the Board members. All were in favor of accepting the Minutes after correction on two typos. There was not a February meeting.
d. Pine Valley Building Permits Reviewed: N/A
g. Board Member Reports –
Mary Esther: N/A
Dall: We are deferring the $150 annual fire fee once again this year for active firemen and EMTs. We had 97 call-out incidences last year. Good news – we also have 10 more firefighters and EMTs than we did last year. * PVLAD – the County has voted on the new Board. We have some of our old Board members remaining and also two new ones. Announcements of who those people are will be made next month when we resume our PVLAD meetings. The County is currently sending letters out to the Board members to let them know their status.
Spence: Absent
John: John will call Questar and ask about possibilities (and pricing) of having Natural Gas brought into Pine Valley.
Jeff: Kevin Keyes will be our point of contact for the Pine Valley Conservatory District, in regards to communications with the County. He will report to us on any progress.
f. Fire Chief – Gerald (see report). There is a new Paramedic/Fire Chief for Enterprise – Cameron Hawkins. He comes extremely well educated and trained. * Dall voiced concern over Gerald’s statement that EMTs are allowed to drive 10 mph over the legal speed limit when responding to an emergency. Dall thinks we would still be held liable if there was an accident. Gerald said that all Fire Stations have that same policy. Mary Esther expressed that we should probably check into the legalities and get it in writing that we would be legally covered under such circumstances. Gerald will ask both the Utah Fire Marshall and the County Attorney and report back to us. * Future fire needs – for the size of our community, we are very well equipped. We might one day down the road need another vehicle, but not for a while – and if/when we do, a used one would serve us just fine.
g. Treasurer Report – George (see report.) George will be filling out liability insurance and workman’s comp report for the UT Local Governments Trust. * Jeff asked about a fixed interest loan for our building extension. Mary Esther felt that the rates would be higher on a fixed. We just renewed in December for the same rate as before. Just out of curiosity, George will inquire about the costs of a fixed loan. Under our current loan, we do not have to put up collateral.
2 – Public Comments: Gene – The Pine Valley CERT blog is tracking well. It will be better advertised once Beverly gets the annual letter out. The blog address is
Jeff moved to adjourn at 7:02 p.m. All were in favor.
The next Board meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 1, 2013 at 6:00 P.M.