Pine Valley Special Service District Meeting (PVSSD) Minutes of the Meeting Held on July 2, 2014

Attending Members:   Mary Esther Putnam, Chairwoman; Dall Winn (Vice Chair); Herman Nordbruch



Also Present:               Gerald Schiefer, Fire Chief

George Cropper, Treasurer

Beverly Udell, Secretary


Absent:                         Jeff Gardner; John Nichols


Guests                          Fred Pendleton, Ford Northington, Gene Phillips, Guin Winn, Ray Lindblom; Elaine Lindblom; Laurett Winterton; Sharron Northington; Pat Anderson



General Business: The August meeting will be delayed one week – being held on August 13 instead of August 6.


Building Permits: Was an impact fee paid for the Nielson garage? George will check.


Board Member Reports:


Mary Esther: Records show that in 1979-80 the town of Pine Valley wanted a “town” cow herd, but the County defeated it. * Pine Valley Irrigation has not always been a private entity? Fred said it was set up as a shareholder organization, with the problem coming when they went to a culinary system and became under state control and regulations, thus operating separately under “Irrigation” and “Culinary”.


Dall: The saga update with the Irragation Department. We agreed to pay for the hydrants. We are currently trying to get an agreement with them for the future, before we hand over the money. We want an agreement of prior notice in a timely manner of costs they want us to assume. Beverly asked if they would also have to get bids on the work they want us to pay for, similar to what we ourselves have to do? The ball is in their court. Dall has been meeting with Judd Burgess (president.)


Jeff: Absent


John: Absent


Herman: N/A


Fire Chief Report:   Gerald Schiefer provided report of activities for June 2014 (Copy Attached) * Currently there are 20 fires, 5 of them large, to the west of us within 20 miles. Our department is on standby. * Seven firefighters will be red-carded this year. * The EMT’s we have are not as available as we wish they could be. Some have jobs, some go to school, others just might not be in town as much as we could utilize them, two have moved – one of them being one of our brand new EMTs. That puts a big burden on Gerald and Laurett.



Treasurer ReportGeorge Cropper provided Profit & Loss Statement for the month of June 2014.

(Copy attached)


Citizen Comments: Gene asked if it is possible to reimburse Ray for some gas because he is doing so much cleanup work as a volunteer at the dump and using his own gas to do that. We can’t because the dump is not in our coverage area, but maybe it could be a suggestion for the Dinner Committee.


Dall motioned to close the meeting at 7:20.


There next scheduled PVSSD meeting will be on Wednesday, Aungust 13, 2014, at 6:00 p.m.