Pine Valley Special Service District Meeting (PVSSD) Minutes of the Meeting Held on April 2, 2014

Attending Members:   Mary Esther Putnam, Chairwoman

John Nichols         Herman Nordbruch


For election of new officers it was agreed that Dall Winn and Jeff Gardner should be present. Hopefully elections can be completed at the May 2014 Meeting.


Also Present:               Gerald Schiefer, Fire Chief

George Cropper, Treasurer

Sharron Northington for Beverly Udell while excused


Absent:                         Beverly Udell, Secretary (excused)

Dall Winn

Jeff Gardner


Guests                          Fred Pendleton, Ford Northington, Fermin Esparza, Elaine Lindblom, and Laurette Winterton,

(Sign-In Sheet attached)


Mary Esther Putnam  Called meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.


Herman Nordbruch   Led the Pledge of Allegiance


General Business    


Review Minutes of February 5, 2014 Meeting. John Nichols moved that the Minutes be accepted. Herman Nordbruch seconded. Motion passed.


Review Minutes of March 5, 2014 Meeting. Herman Nordbruch moved that the Minutes be accepted. John Nichols seconded. Motion passed.



Building Permits


No building permits to approve.


Board Member Reports


Mary Esther had nothing to report.


Fire Chief Report:      Gerald Schiefer provided report of activities for March 2014.

(copy attached)

The Chief submitted a Report of Purchasing Authority exercised by other Fire Chiefs to be reviewed when establishing purchasing limits for the PVSSD.


Treasurer Report   George Cropper provided Profit & Loss Statement for the month of March 2014. (copy attached).


George Cropper again brought up the subject of establishing a Purchas-ing Policy for PVSSD. He submitted a DRAFT based on State Auditor’s Office. Kirk Smith suggested that the PVSSD policy should be tailored to meet the requirements and intention of state law and suggested we check the State Auditor’s web site for details. Further discussion concerning policy will be at a meeting when all Board Members are present.


Chief Schiefer submitted a report noting the purchasing policy governing other fire stations/chiefs.   This information can also be reviewed by the Board when determining a Purchasing Policy.


Citizen Comments


The Heroes Award presentation to Chief Schiefer was a very nice event and attended by quite a few persons from the Valley.


It was determined that Herman Nordbruch will act as liaison with Washington County by working with the County Attorney when needed.   It was suggested that Michelle Mitchell would be a good resource for legal issues. George Cropper asked if Herman should attend the Impact Fee Seminar at the expense of the PVSSD.

Laurette Winterton reported that, after one year, Cameron Hawkins resigned as Enterprise EMS Chief and will be replaced by Brandon Moody.
Rodell Terry will no longer be an active EMT due to her husband’s health condition. She will be turning over her equipment to Linda Simmons who has completed her training. We are looking forward to three more people joining the EMT team.


The Chief will be sending three fire fighters to training.

Chief reported that the truck passed inspection.


Motion to adjourn by John Nichols and seconded by Herman Nordbruch. Meeting adjourned at 7:10 p.m.





Minutes submitted by Sharron Northington to Beverly Udell, Secretary