The regular meeting of the Pine Valley Special Service District Board Members was held on Wednesday, May 5,2004 at the Pine Valley Fire Station Conference Room on 680 Main Street. Chairman Ron Snow called the meeting to order at 6:00 P.M. and led everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Board Members present: Ron Snow, Chairman; Gerald Schiefer, Vice Chairman; Victor Christensen, Ryon Gardner and Mary Esther Putnam. Also present: Dall Winn, Fire Chief; Julie M. Cropper, Secretary/Treasurer. Public present: Fred Pendelton of the Pine Valley Historical Advisory Committee; Steve Robinson, Washington County Planning and Zoning Commission; Jan Furner, USSD Executive; Dave Patterson, Washington County Attorneys Office; Beverely Udell, Michael Furner, and George Cropper.
Secretary Julie M. Cropper read the minutes of the meeting held on April 7, 2004. The minutes were discussed and corrections added to date, adding GPS, and to trainees. Gerald Schiefer moved acceptance of the minutes with these corrections. The motion was seconded by Victor Christensen.
Ron asked Dall about training expenditures and the $300.00 advancement to Assistant Fire Chief, Steve Robinson.
Financial report: The $1,500.00 training (with no matching funds) was for the EMT Training. Steve was paid a $300.00 advance against the $678.00.
Ron reported that Dan Derrick received signed Septic Tank approval from the State of Utah.
Mike Fluharty's building plan was signed for the lot above the Pine Valley Lodge.
Ken Canfield, Washington County Road Department, would like to put cinders on the roads in Pine Valley when the Forest Service opens the pit. He needs to get the permission from them.
Ryon asked how much we pay for mileage on travel for EMTs. It was decided that issue would be discussed during the By-law discussion further in the meeting.
Gerald reported on the Forest Service Fire Management Plan. A 200 foot swath can be seen at Central as an example. The target date will be on August 1, 2004. An EIS is done and approved for the campground refurbishing. This refurbishing will not increase the number of campsites. They will start with the water system first.
Financial report given by Julie included the discussions of the savings account and how often we need access to it. The loan on the Fire Department building is a public financial loan not a bond.
A year to date financial report and the new coded accounting system was introduced. Impact Fee questions were discussed and could we charge them on future developments and construction. Various specific items were talked about, such as the high electric bills in the past, insurance and liability insurance. Jan Furner suggested $2 million minimum liability coverage that includes "errors and omissions" coverage for board members.
Dall still needs answers to questions on the Fire Department budget. In the past, we have bought whatever we needed. Jan Furner strongly suggested a need for an operating budget and Capitol Facilities Budget. They can be combined. Grants could come to Capitol Facilities budget separate from operating budget. Operationing budget, like gas, fuel, liability coverage and things of general nature, would be separate. This will be a great help in the future with planning and grants. Legislation this year, increased the $50,000.00 budget threshold for audit of year end financial reports.
Dall asked Jan Furner if he would help him in setting up the Fire Department budget. A date was set for Thursday, May 13, 2004 at 1 :00 p.m. at the Fire Department. The Board Members were welcome to attend.
Fire Training is scheduled for Thursday, May 13 at 6:00 p.m. and Saturday, May 22, 2004 at 8:00 a:m.
Jeff Hunt gave the department a "Jaws of Life" at the last training.
The final money for medical grant (Steve's) is coming.
We are working on correcting vehicle registration and inspections.
The department has received a letter from Insurance Services Office concerning a 2 year survey about our fire fighting facilities. This will mention USFS mitigations.
Jan Furner made a presentation on By-laws and do we need them. He passed out an example. We need to use the sample as a guide only. He met previously with Washington County Commissioner Gardner and talked about setting this up. The Pine Valley Special Service has never had any by-laws, only a charter. Mr. Furner recommended adopting bylaws, and a policy/procedures document that shows the services we provide. This will give credibility to what we do. A lot has changed since the Charter resolutions were passed in 1978.
Mr. Patterson commented that resolutions grant authority. This requires Washington County to change it. By-laws are a way to work within resolutions authority. By-laws can be changed when necessary and how we run our Board, like duties and responsibilities of officers and contractors. The Pine Valley Historical Advisory Committee could be involved in this.
Each SSD has separate "by-laws" or operating systems. We are to get a proposal to Dave Patterson on what we would like to do. Dave will then put a prototype together and work with the Board to put by-laws together.
The Charter is written specifically to define what authorities the Washington County Government gives to the Special Service District. To work with the Pine Valley Historical Advisory Committee, it would have to be a Charter Amendment and not likely to happen. It is okay as an advisory function.
Fred Pendelton mentioned that the revision of the website will be done soon, but is still under reconstruction. Vicki Frei is doing a good job with the mechanics but is not willing to make decisions as to what the content will be. Mary Esther will work with Fred on this.
There being no further business, Ryon made a motion to adjourn. It was seconded by Mary Esther and the meeting closed at 7:40 p.m.
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