The regular meeting of the Pine Valley Special Service District Board Members was held on Wednesday, March 3, 2004 at the Pine Valley Fire Station Conference Room on 680 Main Street. Chairperson, Ron Snow, called the meeting to order at 6:05 P.M.
Chair, Ron Snow, led everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Board Members present; Ron Snow, Chairman, Victor Christensen, Mary Esther Putnam and Gerald Schiefer, Vice Chairman. Also present: Dall Winn, Fire Chief; Julie M. Cropper, Secretary/Treasurer. Absent: Ryon Gardner.
Public present: Fred Pendelton of the Pine Valley Historical Committee, Lee and Carolyn Carlile.
Secretary, Julie M. Cropper read the minutes of the meeting held on February 4, 2004. A motion by Mary Esther Putnam was made and Victor Christensen seconded the motion to approve the minutes.
Ron Snow presented building plans for board review and signing. Plans for a garage were submitted by Frank Davie.
Julie gave a brief financial report on the savings account. Wells Fargo Bank said our interest rate we draw is now at .25% with full access. For $25,000.00 - $49,000.00 the percentage would be 1.04% with limited access and 6-11 months at .8%, (also limited access). The quoted information would all be insured. Board Member Mary Esther offered to do more research by contacting other banks that we are allowed to work with and report the results at the next meeting, before a decision is made by the Board Members.
The issue of funding for the Pine Valley Website was again discussed. Vicki Frei has done the Website with funding from the Pine Valley Special Service District. PVSSD does own the site but the questions being asked were directed to whether the information would fall under the Pine Valley Special Service District guide lines and charter. A decision was made that PVSSD/Fire Department, along with Pme Valley Historical Advisory Committee (Fred Pendelton, Chairman) would be responsible for any or all information being put on the Website. The increase per year would be [sic: somewhat more than] $100.00. A motion was made by Mary Esther to proceed with this project. Gerald Schiefer seconded the motion for approval.
Fire Chief Dall Winn discussed a letter that Steve Robinson, Assistant Fire Chief, wrote to Bevin Killpack, District Ranger. A copy was given to all Board Members to view. The continued growth of the community and the increased use of the Dixie National Forest Recreation area in general has brought to our attention the need to modify the existing fire house building in the future. The request in the letter was made for the purpose of allowing both Pine Valley Special Service District to plan for the future EMS/Fire needs and demands of the community, along with those improvements and uses being proposed by the USFS for the Pine Valley Recreation Area and Dixie National Forest, in an organized manner. Some Board Members voiced their opinions and concerns about not going into debt for this as we are still paying for the one we have. It was explained that the letter was looking at future considerations. Chairman, Ron Snow signed the letter. Secretary, Julie M. Cropper hand delivered it to Steve.
Dall also reported on the following:
- the State Lands Forestry Fire Fighting money came. ($992.00)
- outstanding Medical Grant is still going
- EMS Grants pay for schooling, equipment and training.
Dall explained what grants that he was applying for. Each grant was described and how they would help the Pine Valley Fire Department. The help of our Grant Writer, Beverely Udell, has made it possible for us to obtain much need equipment and training opportunities.
A motion by Victor was made to have the Board Members agree to back or match the proposed Grants if we qualify for them. Mary Esther seconded the motion.
Dall made a request for permission to buy an enclosed Cargo Trailer for the department. Mary Esther made a motion to accept the request and Gerald seconded the motion.
Pine Valley Fire Training is scheduled for Thursday, March 11, 2004 at 6:00 p.m. and Saturday, March 13, 2004 at 9:00 a.m. Topic: "Arson Investigation".
Chairman Fred Pendelton announced their meeting would be Thursday, March 4, 2004 here in the Fire Department at 6:00 p.m. John Willie of Washington County would be present as well as Bevin Killpack, District Ranger.
There being no further business, Gerald Schiefer made a motion to adjourn. It was seconded by Victor Christensen and the meeting closed at 7:15 P.M.
All materials on these pages not otherwise credited are either
public domain or © 2000 through 2004 &ff, Pine Valley Special Service District