The regular meeting of the Pine Valley'Special Service District Board Members was held on Wednesday, January 7, 2004 at the Pine Valley Fire Station Conference Room, 680 Main Street.
Chairman Ron Snow called the meeting to order at 6:00 P.M. and led everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Board Members present: Ron Snow, Chairman, Ryon Gardner, Victor Christensen and Mary Esther Putnam. Also present: Dall Winn, Fire Chief and Julie M. Cropper, Secretary/Treasurer. Absent: Gerald Schiefer.
Public Present: Steve Robinson, Washington County Planning and Zoning Representative; Fred Pendelton, Pine Valley Historical Advisory Committee Chairman; Mike Fluharty, Bob Winters, Buzz Roach, Deborah McAllum, Beverly Udell, Gae Robinson and George Cropper.
Ron welcomed those present including the new board member Mary Esther Putnam. He noted that the other new member Gerald Schiefer was out of town and could not attend.
Secretary, Julie M. Cropper conducted elections of board officers for 2004. Ron Snow was re-elected Chairman, Gerald Schiefer was elected Vice Chairman. Mary Esther will be added as a new signature on the checking account.
Minutes of the meeting held on December. 3, 2003 were read and accepted on a motion by Mary Esther Putnam. There was brief discussion and Mary Esther moved their acceptance with a correction of date change from February to January. Victor Christensen seconded the motion which carried.
Ron presented one set of building plans for review which were submitted by Jerry and Darlene Self for 932 Mountain View Drive. The plans were discussed and approved.
Julie asked the PVSSD Board to fill out a form provided when approving building plans to provide documentation of plan approvals.
Bob Winters presented plans for the inside remodelling of the Pine Valley Lodge. The Board decided that since the remodelling was inside that they did not need to review or approve these plans. A scenario of outside work or fencing which would require review was briefly discussed.
Ron reported on Washington County issues noting that the "Lodge" had received a reinstatement of their license to sell beer. He also mentioned a Memorandum of Understanding that had been prepared between the BLM and Iron and Washington Counties relative to the proposals to extend the Paiute ATV trail through these counties. The group discussed some scenarios that could affect Pine Valley ,and it was stated that a trail would likely go toward Enterprise rather than coming up to Pine Valley.
It was also mentioned that the Washington County Commissioners will reconsider issues of ATV use in Pine Valley at a meeting in their chambers on Tuesday Jan. 12 at 10:00 am and all interested residents are encouraged to attend and express any concerns.
Other Board members did not have issues to discuss. Julie noted that she had passed out new areas of responsibility to report and be a contact for each member.
Julie discussed the tentative 2004 fee letter and invited information to be included trom the Fire Chief, and Historical Committee. The Board briefly discussed the letter and fee schedule.
It was mentioned that Vicki Frei will continue to do the Pine Valley website and will come to the next meeting to discuss getting an upgraded internet service provider. The upgrade would be about $1l3 per year.
Julie mentioned-requirements for Board Member Training. We will try to arrange for training locally and also get help to update the District's Charter.
Fire Chief, Dall Winn reported on the following items:
- we have new tires except for one on the military truck which we get for State contract prices. We will be getting one more when available.
- training dates for this month are Jan. 22, at 6:00 pm and Jan. 24 at 10:00 am.
- he asked people to dig snow from around fire hydrants in their neighborhoods.
- we are still awaiting reimbursement for time on the Federal fires.
- we are applying for a EMS grant for a portable suction unit. Gae explained the need and use of this unit.
- there were no significant things trom the County Fire Chiefs meeting except people are working to get the Flattop radio repeater running again and there may be an assessment to help get this done. - we will be doing some arson investigation training later this spring.
It was mentioned that Steve Robinson has agreed to take the basic EMT training at Enterprise and Cedar City. Expenses for this will be about $3,000.
Steve mentioned that federal legislation had been approved to provide death or disability insurance to fire fighters while in the line of duty. There will be some paperwork to be eligible.
Ron asked for any input or comments trom the public present. Mike Fluharty and Deborah McAllum presented some issues they had relative to the "Lodge" renting a house by the day or weekend. Bob Winters said that they had only honored some previous reservations and had not taken new reservations since being notified to discontinue this.
Other discussion ensued between these parties and those present about keeping horses, bed and breakfast use of the Lodge and possible ATV rentals. Bob Winters said that the Lodge owners plan to comply with all requests from law enforcement and the County.
Steve Robinson said that Washington County will take a position on whether or not ventures are commercial and properties cannot be used commercially in residential zoned areas.
Bob said that they want to get along and regret any ruffled feathers. They will go ahead and apply to Washington County for a bed and breakfast use ofthe Lodge. He asked for a consensus ofthe Board Members about this use. The Board declined taking a position since it is not within their jurisdiction.
Steve mentioned that it had been the consensus of the Pine Valley community over the years to no allow expansion of the present commercially zoned properties.
Ron ended the discussion by mentioning that Washington County had the ultimate authority to consider and approve or disapprove the various land uses.
There was no other public comment.
Fred Pendelton explained on behalf of the Historical Advisory Committee that the Pine Valley General Plan had been approved by the Washington County Commission on November 2, 2003 and the Committee will be working on implementation of this plan.
Wednesday, February 7, 2004 6:00 PM
Julie asked about the ongoing taking of large quantities of water from the hydrant on the fire department grounds. Concern from members of the audience were that people from outside the community were taking the water as well as those who are home/property owners.
Ryon Gardener, a member of the Pine Valley Irrigation Company, said that many home owners do not have frost free water systems and use this water in the winter. Since the Pine Valley Fire Department wasn't paying for the water, he could see no problem in it.
There being no further business, Mary Esther Putnam moved and Ryon Gardner second a motion to adjourn. The motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 7:00 PM.
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public domain or © 2000 through 2004 &ff, Pine Valley Special Service District