The regular meeting of the Pine Valley Special Service District Board Members was held on Wednesday, August 4, 2004 at the Pine Valley Fire Station Conference Room, 680 Main Street in Pine Valley. Chairman Ron Snow called the meeting to order at 6:00 P.M. and led everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Board Members present: Ron Snow, Chairman; Gerald Schiefer, Vice Chairman; Victor Christensen, and Ryon Gardner. Excused: Mary Esther Putnam, Secretary Julie Cropper, and Fire Chief Steve Robinson (on fire call-out). George Cropper filled in for Secretary Julie Cropper. Public present: Fred Pendleton of the Pine Valley Historical Advisory Committee, Kevin Hansen, and Dall Winn.
Minutes of the meeting held on June 2, 2004 were read. The minutes were approved by motion made by Gerald Schiefer and seconded by Victor Christensen.
Ron Snow had a set of building plans for the Board Members to review for Tom Nielsen. The form was not filled out. The plans were reviewed and signed by Board Members present.
Victor Christensen reported that a call was made complaining about a garage having living quarters above. The Board will refer this matter to the Washington County Planning and Zoning Commission.
Gerald Schiefer mentioned that the Forest Service contract on fire mitigation is a "go" and will start very soon. It will take about 120 days to complete. It will be supervised by Wayne Monger.
The Pine Valley Community Fire Plan will be 90% completed by the next meeting on August 11, 2004.
A good idea was to get a non-fire department person to head the committee. The committee may ask LaMar Terry to be in charge of completing the plan. Gerald Schiefer will contact LaMar about being chairman. It's possible that the Historical Advisory Committee would be able to help also.
The Fire Department has had some good hands on training while being on several wildland fires this summer, and one search and rescue since our last meeting.
The trailer just west of the LDS Church has been removed. Ray Hunt is the property owner.
Ron talked to Ken Canfield of the Washington County Road Department about the road conditions. All the streets in Pine Valley will be cindered by this fall. Road materials will be screened, laid down, and rolled.
Alma Holt contacted Ron Snow about not having enough people to volunteer at the Forest Service Heritage Center on Main Street. A question was asked if the Board Members want to take over or find someone. The Historical Advisory Committee is considering and working on it. The Committee will come up with some recommendations. It is possible that the Heritage Center may qualify for some funding next year.
Gerald Schiefer talked with R. J. Snow and may meet to talk about plaques for restoration of historic places.
Fred Pendleton has been doing research on Pine Valley to locate buildings and mills in his own interests.
Ron Snow was contacted by Doug Hannig about wanting to buy the old Fire Station and lot. He may be buying the corner next to it. Ron did determine it is owned by PVSSD. (43 ft x 43 ft) Question: does the Telephone Company have a lease on the 10 ft strip next to this parcel that is also owned by PVSSD?
Ron considered trading or selling the property to fund firehouse remodeling. Ryon Gardner, employee of the Pine Valley Irrigation Company, said they may want to buy the property. Ron Snow showed the plans for a potential firehouse expansion meeting room, consisting of one bay and PPE room.
Some Board Members agreed that we should avoid more debt if possible. A suggestion was to perhaps sell the property and pay off the existing building loan. Ron will get figures on costs and values before the September regular meeting. His suggestion was to sell the property and take the money rather than an exchange for construction/labor.
Gerald Schiefer announced that the Personal Ponies program and Pine Valley Lodge issues were sent back to the Washington County Planning and Zoning Commission for additional review. Complaints are still being made about these places.
Ron read former Fire Chief Dall Winn's resignation letter of June 5, 2004. Resignation has been accepted. It was suggested that Steve Robinson would be good for the Fire Chief position. The Board Members designated Steve as new Fire Chief without motion.
Jeff Norton, Utah State Fireman's Association President, wants a chance to talk about joining the Fireman's Association. Jeff will meet with the Board Members in the future.
Dall Winn discussed the money that will come from fighting the wildfires this season. The fire departments get money for equipment and the volunteer firemen who were fighting the fires. Washington County Fire Chiefs say the money should go to the firemen. What to do with the money has in the past been voted on by the firemen involved. It was voted to b donated to the Pine Valley Special Service District Fund. A vote will be needed again by the volunteer firemen for the next incoming firefighting money.
The Pine Valley Dinner Committee purchased a 1989 used trailer and gave it to PVSSD. It is now registered to PVSSD. The trailer is currently being stored at Dall Winn's home, and is used by the Pine Valley Dinner Committee. A motion was made by Gerald Schiefer and seconded by Ryon Gardner to store the trailer there for now. The motion carried.
There will be no Pine Valley Town Benefit Dinner this year due to the preservation work on the LDS Church property. Melons will be sold on August 21, 2004; proceeds will go to the Pine Valley Dinner Committee. The Dinner Committee will use the funds to expand the Fire Station/Postal Service building parking lot with gravel. The Dinner Committee is also working to fund another crew cab truck to trasport volunteer firemen to fires.
A written statement from Steve Robinson was provided of the Fire Department Activities since the last District meeting.
Kevin Hansen discussed a garage being proposed adjacent to Michael Knauff's home at 203 Sage Street. The garage will be 7 inch log, 33 ft x 36 ft. It looks like a house. Garage can be on separate lot without lot-combining, and it is not to be plumbed for living space. Fred Pendleton of the Pine Valley Historical Advisory Committee encouraged the owner to combine the small lots together to meet Washington County zoning requirements. Gerald Schiefer said in the long term it looks like a house. Building plans were reviewed and signed by Board Members present, contingent on approval by Washington County Building Department.
There being no further business, Gerald Schiefer made a motion to adjourn. It was seconded by Victor Christensen and the meeting closed at 7:10 p.m.
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public domain or © 2000 through 2004 &ff, Pine Valley Special Service District